The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

1 i -v I i 1. vt rl. SEYMOUR DAILY REPUBLICAN, SEYIIOUR, INDIANA THUHSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918 v. -i 1 1 i FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I I Friday -and Saturday are going to be the biggest coupon days of the season we are really offering I new Spring Goods 'of high quality, that will1 be a temptation lor thrifty women to come here first With your savings buy W. S.

S. Stamps. EXTRA COUPON Women's $1.00. Shirt 'Waists of Madras, color stripes, checks, sailor or choker collars, the season's best, all sizes. -39c (Limit two per customer) Rev, King preached at the eliurch Sunday night, Andrew Morris suffered, a stroke of paralysis while sowing grass seed, last Friday, -When" found he was carried to his borne sod at last report he was in a very ritieal condition.

-Constable George Winkler' at North last Friday on business. There is. quite alot of moving this week. Villard Campbell is, moving on a farm near'North Vernon, M. E.

ilc-Kinjeyjs mAvjng into Mr. Blackford's house. Theodore Lick wood is mvkg into the A. M. Orcutt iroierty in.

town. James Tyler is moving on the E. L. Beatty farm north of town. Dr.

B. Irwin is iiioving -on the Wallace Downs farm. Fifteen of the Jennings county boys enlisted in Uncle Sam's service last week and left for Vancouver, Washington, E. L. Beatty is rebuilding his sawmill at Queeusville that was destroyed by fire.

J. W. Heaton is remodeling the House on his farm. Howard Judd of Austin will move into it. Max Whitcomb erf Newcastle visited his parents, H.

Y. Whitcomb and family over Sunday. (Vrus Aniiek and family of Scipio motored down Sunday and took dinner with Mrs. Amick's father, J. Heaton, Chasj Kelso of Seymour will move to the Mdutyre farm north of town.

Chas. Carr lost a god brood mare last Tuesday. Samuel Hedge and wife -of North Vernon came down Friday to look after his property here. Joseph Megel has rented the Albert Whitcom'b farm east of town. Rev.

Cliasteen of Campbellsburg, will preach at the Baptist church next COUPON Kirk's Flake White and Lenox Laundry Soap, 6 bars for 27c COUPON. Wnienris Muslin Drawers, tucked ruffles, full sizes, only. COUPON Women's best Muslin Corset Covers, fancy trimmed. COUPON Lndies Black Hose, spliced heels and toes, fast colors. TAY the Hand That WAR Would Hoard the Pennies Guide It to Patriotic and Profitable Investment AN ADVANCE DISPLAY Revealing Charming New Creations Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses Never, we believe have the women of Jackson county shown such a wide diversity of New Spring Styles so early in the season at popular prices.

is the keynote of Spring Fashions, The childish instinct tends usually toward saving. But to this instinct must be added a purpose in the saving. The mere hoarding of coin pleases a child's fancy, but it does not teach the lesson of thrift Teach your child his first lesson of patriotism by making him a factor in aiding the government, and his first lesson of investment by placing his money where it earns interest. Thrift Stamps furnish the government with money for carrying on the war. They earn 4 per cent, interest Replace the penny bank with a Thrift Stamp Book.

Spring Coats $7.50 Suits $10.50 IT lieep your eyes on our Windows COUPON Ladies' Lorraine Hose Supporters in all good colors, 35o value ..21 COUPON Children's Black Hose, best quality double heej and toe, COUPON Children's Tercale and Gingham Dresses, plaids and Nori 49c and 98c COUPON Ladies' Muslin Gowhs, high neck or slip or, embroidery' trimmed Dresses (Silk) $12.50 Skirts $2.00 HP UP Sunday where he will be employed. Miss Edith Adams went to Clinton Swiday where she will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Conner Wykoff and little son, Harrell, of Bedford were here Sunday visiting relatives.

PEA RIDGE. Verle Martin is ill. John I'ruitt went to Fairbury, 111., Tuesday of last week where he has employment. John Holmes of Salem visited in the family of T. J.

Holmes Tuesday and Wednesday. ittiss Lucile Pruitt, who has been visiting In Crothersville, returned to her home Saturday. Mr. and Ms. Hubbard of Kentucky visited relatives hero Saturday and Sunday.

Thompson Plummer of Fostoria vis- ited -relatives here-YedTiesday. When Itching Stops There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and skin irrk tation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or bottle of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, biotchea, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zemo, tha penetrating, satisfy, ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy.

The E. W. Rose Cleveland. O. I A JL vSI FRIDAYand AT DAY Advertisem*nt Paid for and Donated by TIE NEW YOB STORE "WE UNDERSELL" It South Chestnut St.

Two Doors South of Farmers' Club DEPARTMENT STORE SAVINGS STAMPS Thrift cost 25 cents ach una draw no interest. Von can buy them from your letter 7 currier, eltlier city or ruijal rouie at the post office or your bank. You will be given a card to paste them on. This costs nothing. There are spaces for 16 Thrift Stamps on this card.

When your card is full, lake it to your post office or hanli any time, with a few cents additional and your card will be exchanged for an Interpst-beHrin War Savings Certificate worth (5 on Jan. 1, 1923. This gives you 4 per cent Interest compounded quarterly. You can buy 20 War Savings Certificates at one time. They Will cost you 40.

and their fac value at the time of redemption, January 1, 1923, wlJl be $100. War Savings Certificates miiy be registered at anv post of (Ice of the First, Second or Third Class. War Savings Certificates may be converted into cash at the post office where Issued If you need the money, you will get Interest, too, at about 3 per cent. This GOLD MINE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Join Uriner is working for tlic IVnn-jylvanin KailrnHl 'o.

in Seymour. Mrs. Alollie Hiincr pave a Hi' "Truss Iarty last Tuesday nilit. Mr. ami Mrs.

Hurroulix Hpeiit Sun-flay afternoon with Clias. Johnson ami family. Misses Viola Shank ami Zetta Brown attentlol institute in Seymour Saturday. A. M.

Brown and wife ami Mrs. Ijjura ('miii visited Sunday with Claude Hwenjfel anil family in Seymour. Henry Smith and wife spent Sunday with John Jlimler and family in Seymour. John Finke ami family with some friends motored to Cortland Sunday Al Brown went to Hope with Claude Swe.Ufft'l. one day last week.

-August rujfe and family and win Kruge and family spent tsnndnr wit Will. C. and wife. Marv Brown will resume her school work Monday after being oil' sonic time on account i( illness. Mrs.

Alma I'crkinson of Seymour Kpent Sunday with her Uriner. The Suiiilav School 'arranged Sunday for a service flag. It will have four tars for Dee Short, ('has. W. Blanev, Oliver Snmtna Hiid Raymond Ashbaugh, 'four-of our soldier bovs.

(Jeo. Montgomery hauled hay last Thursday from the Win. Topie James Deppert went to Indianapolis last week to consult a physician. Henry Boggs has sold his farm here to Wm. N.

Goens of the northern part of thtf state, but formerly of' the liff Grove ueighborliood. Geo. Schrier and wife of Seymour 'visited Sunday with Win. C. Krugc.aml wife.

You can nip colds in the bud Clear your head instantly TryKondon's' tor the Cold-in-head (at no cost io you) 80.000,000 hunt ami thin B-rr-oM romedr. For chronic catarrh, aora nomm. ooncba. xulda, anMNlnir, nomv liliwd, to, Wr1 foroDoipllmmi. trr can.

orTjujr tuln at dniKHlrt'a. It Kill tMnlit-UMI Kjrii tlmna mom thmm It oiMta. rr we pajr Ttj tfaf fc. i uiai eu ine vnw I0ID0I MFl Mmumit. Mill.

OAK GROVE. Next Sunday at p. m. is Rev. R.

P. Stocker's appointment here. Cottage prayer meeting was held at the luinie of Win. Long here Sunday evening. Mrs.

Henry Nolting and daughter, Thelma, of Columbus and Mrs. Frauk Bolte and John, of Jonesvflle spent Saturday and Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tiemeycr. Misses Kthol Schafstall and KIma llelwig were guests Miss Lenore Hooker, Thursday.

Mrs. Alice Roberts and son, Lynn, were business callers at Seymour Friday. A. C. Gleasoii of Acme was a business caller here Saturday.

Wayne Kerner "and William Zike of Freetown filled their appointments here Sunday evening. Prof. Riley Roberts remains about the same. John Tiemeycr made a trip to Seymour Saturday. Our young people gave Lynn Roberts and bride an old fashioned serenade Saturday evening.

Miss Lizzie Brooks is staying with Mrs. Bruce Roberts. The remains of Mrs. Kate Gilbert, who died at the home of her son, Roy Gilbert, near Lexington, were brought here Saturday morning and interred in the old cemtery. The funeral services were conducted at the Surprise M.

E. church by Rev. Frank Reynolds, assisted by Rev. John Anderson. Mr.

Lvim Roberts and Miss Eunice Rucker drove to Brownstown Saturday where thev were united in marriage at the home of the groom's sister Mrs I'rice Trueblood. Miss Rucker is the daughter of M. F. Rucker and wife am is very popular among her frieuds while the groom is the son of Mrs Alice Roberts and is a model young man. We wish them a long and happy wedded life.

Martin Tiemever went to Columbus Saturday where he has employment fot the summer with Clarence FT. EITNER. GeoTjre Dodds and wife and Miss Lei a Robertson spent Sunday at Cainj bellsburg, guests of relatives. Miss Mabel Ueijier visited her par cuts at Bedford Saturday and Sunday Ataree crowd" tnmr here wtmt to Lcesville Saturday to the Holy Kollcr church. Jule Wrav and wife and JNfi-s.

Stevt' Barrett and son were guests of Dr Reed and wife Saturday. Fred Beavers moved to Jake Hob son's from near Fostoria last week. Marsh Henderson and family were guests of We 8 Mikles and wife Sunday Robert Leo went Iowa last Thurs day where he will work on a farm. Ray Glover and wife of Detroit spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Alice I ullen.

Arvo Galhon of Indianapolis, catm1 home Saturday to spend a few days with his family. Mrs. Allie Jeffries went to Tilden, 111., Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wedding, Arville Williams and Dan keeAwho are working at lelhi, spent Sunday with their families. PLEA SAN TVTLLE.

Roscoe Fountain, wife and little son, Russell, of Medora and Thomas 1. Har roll, wife and son, Leibert, of Uear spring apent Sunday with Ida. M. Foun tain. Elza Easton and family of Bedford vkiledi).

llberL Sunday, Mrs. Annie Weddcll made a business trip Spymour Friday. Wm. Hornback went to Sellersburg Monday. Miss Faye Fountain returned home Friday accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Wayman, after a week's visit with her siste? and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Nellie Gilbert and little daughter of Indianapolis and, Minnie Gilbert visited Bert Xjilbert and famMyThurs- Liy. J.

F. Curry and wife spent Sunday witjt'iheitiaughj Spears and family at Fairview. Missea Harriett Glqason and Nellie Gilbert visited-Clearspring: sc booLSat- urday. Several from here attended church at Pleasant Ridge Sunday Curt Gilbert returned. aftr a few days' visit' with relatives anil "friends here.

John Pruitt left Tuesday tor Illinois. NORMAN STATION. Rev. Lem Roebolt of Bedford filled his appointment at the Saints church Sunday. Mrs.

Matthew Henderson and sou, Clarence, went to Bloomiugton Wednesday to visit relatives. Miss Esther Fowler of Heltonville was here last week visiting her brother, James. Norman Fish, who has beenamiploy-ed at Terre Haute came here Friday to visit his parents, Logan Fish and wife. Mrs. James Adams was a business visitor at Freetown Saturday.

Miss Benza Lane of Bedford came here Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Lane. Clarence Fisli of Vicksburg was here last week visiting his father, Wesley Fish. Mr.

8inlMrS; Elza Fountain of Kurtz came here Saturday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fleetwood near Yellowstone came here Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Henderson.

Miss Berniee Terrill of Bedford was here last week visiting her grandparents, George Terrill and wife. Oliver Henderson of Bedford here Sunday to visit relatives. Mrs. Mary Matlock went to Freetown Sunday to visit her brother, Jesse Jacob Green of Indianapolis came here Saturday to visit friends. Thornton, Terrill of Terre Haute came here Sunday to visit his parents, Geo.

Terrill and wife. Ethel Clanipitt went -to Indianapolis Hi DUDLEYTOWN. Henry, the six year old son of Win. Bobb, became suddenly ill Saturday evening. He is improving.

Rev, H. Diemer is feeling some bet ter. Kev. in. I'olman will a'raiu con duct lentcn services here Friday at o'clock.

Kdw. ('. I' de helped Herman Christopher saw wood Saturday. (uite a number of mules are passing through here destined for use in the war. The examination for this year's confirmations will take place Sunday, March 17, and the confirming on the folowing Sunday.

Those to be con firmed are Selma Tiemeier, Emma Auffenberg and Henry Kmmnie. A delightful rook party was given by Albert Christopher Friday evening, March 1st. After a few games were played refreshments were seived.r "Music was also rendered. Those present were Lillian Bobb, Laura VY'ehrkamp, Albert Christopher, Carl Tiemeier and Prof, and Mrs. Ude.

Hired hands who went to work a few days ago: Albert Goecker for Fred Klinge, Carl Tiemeier for Wm. Bobb, Wm. Toppe for Henry Uebber and Wm. Flick, Jr. for Mrs.

Thiele. Wm. Brandt and family, Elmer Brandt and family, Henry Klosterniau, wife and child and Walter Brethauer visited at Kdw. Snyder's last Sunday evening. Henry Krumine has his sawmill going full blast.

COUNTY LINE. Clyde Johnson and wife and. daugh ter, Elsie, of Uniontown visited at Handy Johnson's Sunday. Julius Johnson went to Franklin to help Peto Fately shuck corn. Several friends gathered at the home of James Rairdon Saturday night to bid their son, Herbert, good bye.

He left for Washington Monday. Miss Pearl Gossraan of Brownstown visited friends iu this vicinity last week. John Rich and Rich and family -and Howard- Robips-a4 family-visited Emmett Johnson and family Sunday. Harvey Robins sold his team of mules to a mail from Jtoekford last week. PETEE'S SWITCH.

Mrs. Louise Findley, who has been CARMI, ILLS. Arthur Ackonnnn, son of Frank Aek erinan, left last week for Camp Tavlor, Ky. Huston Armstrong has purchased a new auto and Is trying it out in the field. Lvdia Ackeimau visited L.

M. Cross last Thursday. Frank Smith sold his. farm in Hamilton county and has moved to a farm clow Kpwortli. Obituary, W.

Smith was born near Hons ton, July III, and departed II, is life February 24, 1018, at his residence at Ktifield, 111. He was 76 years, 6 months, and 23 days old. Ho heard his country's call at the outbreak of the Civil War, enlisting in the 50th Ind. Vol. in which he served one year, being discharged on account of physical disability.

After one he. again enlisted, this time in (the ll'iltli ol. anil served as first I'n'y Sergeant until the close the war. was a member of Carnii I'ot, ,0. A.

H. No. Before returning to the front he was married to Miss Henrietta Wheeler. Always a firm believer in God, he with his companion, became a member of the I'nited Bret hum church early in In-ir married life, at Medoi'n, Ind. Ac- curding to his oft-given testimony lie yielded to the Spirit and was bom anew under the preaching of John F.

Harmon at Mellenry's pel- near Carmi in April, 1SSS, had always since faithfully followed his. guide. Besides the widow he leaves three sons and one daughter. Robert M. and William both residing in East St.

LnuK, 111., Sam who lives in Mt. e'rnon', anil Mrs. Alice Stein, of near Hnfield. UNIONTOWN. Suuday School and church was well attended last Sunday.

Dr. Conner of Houston was here one day last week. I Roy Belden of Camp Shelby and fam-l ilv spent one dav last week with Mr mid Mrs; Walter Moseley. Frank Roddick was a business vis itr- at- Idiaapli -ly last-Wwk, lrowtindge and taimly were Sunday guests of Mr. and -Mrs.

Eih Harringer. -Miss Nell Hudson of Little York spent the week, end with Miss Clara Webb WaldeiCanil. wife of Franklin were Sunday guest of Jesse Israel and family. Last Thursday Chas. Pritchard' Miss Gladys Johnson of Jennings coun ty-went, to.vVernoa unuV.

were- married. It was a tfeat surprise to their many friends. They will a farm near here, Miss Flossie Ginder of Seymour'spent Sunday here. Mrs Maud-Spall -and Trowbridge were afc Seymour Hist Mon-, day, Mrs. Erie -Troh of Edinburff is Visiting her' Mr.

and Mrs. John Piersott, this week. ''Bherd rillll sold a fat hoe onodoy last "Wisek 'which brought $72.36. I -viJil? fanifftio'vr I ill "i'l An actual saving of two dollarf tfi on every pair of Shocg sold or these 9j days, with which W. -S." S.

can' be S'. boughtWe soli them. 1: 7 jjj Values up to $0.00 in Ilava nn Brown, all kid, with white kidx tops, -Louis heels, 10 inches high, medium 8 improving. She 5s aTrhehom*o of her son, Everett, weigiu soies, reai spring doois, rn-jxnd Also an all Bldck'Kid Boot, Creton Boudoir. Slippers an three attractive patterns, 1.

25 yokes, Friday and, Saturday. Vi i. i and James Clark is taking care of Mr. Findley. Mrs.

Carrie Mellencamjp visited her daughter, Clara, Sunday. Miss. Lena-JRust returned to her em at Indianapolis Friday. Mrs. Fred Rust visited Mrs.

ohn Her- eamp Tuesday. Mrs; JohnTrmipe of WaymansvilW visited her sister, Mrs. John Hercamn. Wednesday. Frank Stockelman ha completed his new Mrs.

Jofln Self ridge n.nd children vis BD'ONOI THE SH0EMAN 5 W. Second St. 0pp. New Lynn Hotel SET ited Mrs, Larrisoa Tuesday..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.