The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)

-HOxATOASIiTSr PUBLIC SALES. OMDAY-CtlFTSr G-ifta for the Holidays. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Great preparation have been bmde1 the Holidays roB VHI T.r or Wit T.ltTl KBeiS I.WE. 1 Christmas and 'Ifavf Years.

Christci and X'tw Ywr Prtsent DlAiTD Ufvt i ir. ww mwm at HULUIWE'lt BOOK ANl Mntl IFIUHE, 17 Maie street, lie baa a-sery largkstock of Annual, HI ADMliyrRATOirS SALE, A Diuni. AirtlnMM. ht The new steamer 6TOBE STATE. MM tow HADDOCK 74 Uvea, and preuared tar Epieases, as i iv.

Tvwvf, uAAin. rvjis, rusmcs, inAv, BUTTBH.f'rlP.ESE, AND P1IQDUCB GENERAf.Y, MM WATER MAX hi in ennnrcliofl with the LOUISIANA, will leave WArTTOIITH CO. 830 books, aae freneu ancy Awtieii.Kr. which he witlrrTl at very low prior. A rail solicited Extensive Sale Personal Property at Aootioa, I HintUnnini Oursso.

alteraakErv sverv THURSDAY dn- DEHBT COTJlTrEIl," T.4aaawrcoicxcAijM;rtoa or ncantlj-IHostrated Wwrks, From the English, and American Tress, adapted for CHRISTMAS AND NSW YLAR'S PRESENTS, nsaay Of which are recently imported, and are the choicest spec- Pickled (Srsksrs. Refntaiwa StoitrHer Itwvraxsl Wjlliara A. Howe Would can the attention af their frieadt snd 1 MNCf tXIOUdL Women of the ttWile, 1 'Ekfsairt Card Cases, CoA.T". Frothiniriiarh. Esq.

Calr 'fteinont flank. Bos- ring uieViV Tiu NIAGARA wnoer tne direction or the Administrator. BT A. HARVEY a- f.YX. a a au great vanety-r-GieaaUwi CtrawbarrK Marsnalade.

wardiassv and QUEEN CITV Un Hie ahnve ion Townley It Luouiis. Alboayt Freetnaa Clark. Ksq. IfatteU of Memory. 1 Elegant (lard Receivers, rr Totut.

Dee. 203 r. fit li Tbe steamer Pnm, U(l here oa the the 21sinLrior CsJiforoia; "retaraed Monda in distress, having broken aome part of ber cyIus- KiifNT, sannmry at tvo-cjoca A. at. port every MONDAY sersjssels.

ft (7 The psrticuthx ssiiing days of each EOirt will be puk-Ijahed berearasr. ielftf ui te moia oa tne premise of the hue Jonathan Bid-au the personal umoeitr of the a- or boos making ever ottered msneesuneaai of nut- thru- extensive aaaortment ot Aaaaat. Ulan at il. tie, eritinc. aiZ Standard Book And Stationery, aciecled with ntnoat care aad good taste, with special reference me approaching Holidays, at prices that cannot mil to suit the mux iantidiMaa.

Among their stock amy as Ibond 8P1VEWDTD 1XL.TJ8TRATED POET8. i Rryasrs Cam pleat Poetical Works, new edition. I vok, 8 vo 98 fine ens-ravins, eiecanttv Innt tray, Boosoa Mreet. PiekJeJ Uitaters, Psrkied tialttkrwev. p.

Pickled PieeaJilU, -n Pickled Calves Xoagaes, Fsrsh Oysters, u.u Fsesh I QIWM.H, Fsesh Salmon. Fressi MailHsab tats, msisiiii 1h nu4 cat Nuts of all kinds. Itaissn. Sams, bureaus, taldes. chairs, divans, stands, earnetlne.

EngtWi, CbweaeaM Lone-llow raw, 1 voL. mifcn with Brynat. Teste rday. Dr. Warm report! no new eaae of Cholera or death.

To-day. ha reports fir new table cloths, tuw-Hmg. kitchea rarnuura, sirver plamd ware, consisting of taUe, tea, satt aad mastrrd tyoona. pickle knives and forks, mustard aad butter knives, case basket coffee arna. astert and eandWijck.

ianaa ware. -CninJ dining aad tea set, knives aad forks, fruit dishes, ce. i Green Peas, Green Asoaragus, Fresh Goosebai lies. Fresh Currants, dei For tho floM Bogiwi tn CJifarmi; FOR CHAGRES-DIRECT! The new 3 1 r1 splendid teanshisr CRESfNT Cl-TV, l.itu ion burthen, wiH leave New York cWy for the above Port direct, on SATURDAY, Deeemberfei, ssmI i ex per ted to brad her passenevrs at Chacrea MS Unas to reach Panama for the steamer on thePacjne. losail ibeath January.

.1, Passage in Diamg Jfsloon and fJtate Reom on each. Lower Deck J-Steeraae Appry early to it dec I. HI WELLS A 159 Main su canes and one death) uwor tot tarsal of tnw Koaet Tarkays. Boaat Duc ia C. C.

HADDOCK. Will wm aunm. est ama I I -mtmma, mmmmM, Ilajiker, J. C. Stone, Eatf.

Racheaier O. N. Tattle, Esq. Uatavia; tc Folcer, A. M.

Clapp. Buffhlo; J. Wheei-ock. Fq Oasbief Faraaers Bank, Asiitabula, Ohio, janilir U. Product Commission Merchant mud Forwardsr, AOEST or UNION LINE," UN ERIE CANAL, and cteainers and Vessels oa the TT Proiluee consigned 10 me tot sale, will ful attention, and promot returns.

And all trotyl to my ewe, be forwarded. wUI have despatch, at lowest rates of Canal or Lake freibu. UuOaio, January I. HIS. JaiJtr rABHSWORTII FOBtrjKDIltQ COMMISSION MEBCBANTS, aulas is fl LT PRO1ION8.

(NORTH FTER,) SBEBOVCAJI.K.T. w. r4BsswiTH. ly r. fioit.

Marine Hospital, aiaea hxat report. Thar ara bo Aiso 1 anna of avevhtasLS-1 fine emrriaa tsiiiv. death among tba paaaengera of the' ship Nan ooubls btniem. 1 small do for ponry, I wheenmrrow, I luaberragc.leurb,Bnftiobe nltarrta, Gem of Beauty, Ksjr)kc, Buuir flake. Frwndship's Ofletiiig.

Moaa Rose, Amaranth, Rose of Sliaron, Ladies' Album, Fairy King. Christian Keepsake. Wreath of Friendship, Garland. Excelwoc Annual, Forget-Me-Not, The Opal, The Pearl, Gift of Friendship, Cbilde Harold, Millon' Poems, Crooibe' Abbey. Scenes in ibe Life of our Saviour, Bryanf Poetical Work.

Poet of Connecticut, Mirror of Life Thompson's Seasons, Christmas Btoanoms, Christmas ttoae. Builder Block. Alpha het Blocks, Yorkfto tmaem in the city. Jf 7J Tbe steamer Isthmus, Cor Cbagrea. with aixty nnn a general aatonment ot laming atsnails.

Asm On hibv. in mis. a at tiremiog case. Splendid Portfolio, Work Boxes, Pearl and Ivory Polder, Porte Monnaesr Penholders, beautiful, liotd a13 ilver Pencils Gold Pens, I Tory Tablets, Ball Memorandums, Pearl Book Marks, Pearl Tape Measures, Elegant Inkstands, Writing Desks. CrotebetBag and Furies, Transparent Slates, Cigar Cases, Needle Books.

Vejnable Ivory Toys. Raute. Whistles, sec. Fancy Glass Work Botes, Aceordeons, great variety. Worsteds, nice patterns.

Games, Puzzles, ate. Beautiful Purees. Hied all kind. Pocket Cutlery, Paint Boxes. Osborne's, Globes, all sixes, Baekgninmon Boards.

CarJ Baskets. 1849. BUFFALO At CHICAGO. 1S49. the store of C.

A. HARVEY at CO- U7 Maia sot. uinrs I in mam, svsvwsmams ot UIMUng. Scoit's Lady of tbe Laaey Carey atan'a iMmn si il adit ion, rn ew 'jug Turkey ntpwxon binding. Milton, Teanr.

Gray, Coiluni and Beanie. Complete ia 1 voL, 6 voTuskey binding. AMERICAN POETS. V' Poets and Poetry of America, by Cnu. iu, sme binding.

Poets and Poetry of Asterica, by Giiswola, Paces ami Poetry of England, by Griswold. do Poem and Poetry of Europa, by Griswold. do Fossa and Poetry of bo-ope. by Longtellow. do Grtswatd Sacred Poet of England and America; aew work.

jnst pnblishsil, with mis pistes, elegantly bound-Kesri' PonnUa of the Female Poet of America; beau tifuHy Uluatrated, printed oa mow white paper, bound ia full Turkey asnracco. Binding one of the most beauiifu! book tbat has been publisiied far a long tiaae. LIBRARY FJITIONS Byron, Shaksccere. Cowper, Moore, Scott, Bums, Goidnmith, Pops. Ilnmsns.

HoweR. Heath's Mew Gallery of British Fjtgraviags, eontaiaing 9S larys quarto sc4 ylnsa. selected from the asnmiaasof the most eminent Masters, aad eneraved ia the heat aryte of An. published ia 1. ttti.

-t- MedaUioa Portraits of the Authors sT Ktnrtaad. taste aspeeiallyof Modem Liu iry Cbjuansr tsagraved from (he Work oT Hru Artists, with Utassxtsive nssJcca. Historical aad Literary CunosirJea, ccasans; of Fac-iaulea. Original Documents, Scenes of Remarkable Event and luttiestiag localities, the Birthplace. Rest-deaeaa.

Portxmita. and Monuments of Eminent Literary Characters; one large 4 to volume, naif Turkey, Cos pa. Ages of Female Beauty, from tbe fileeuis; Infant to the Vtamahtt Grandmother. Inutney Cradled with Beauty, advancing Girlhood with its laugliai and its somping. taii- lea der earn, the Widow's sears, aad the hind eld Lady's amies, are each aseigned due prominence-, one vol.

4 to. The Scrap Book, or Pencilling by the Way, a Collection of AsMiw ns UluMchea, (4u ui number.) tram the Port-fctie of an Artist. The Book of Shakspearc Ciins, hi a Series of (50) Landscape IHutratious of Shakspeare Dramas. Wsverlv Gems, being a Series of Engraved Illustrations of Incidents and ia Sir Waiter Scott Novel-, one volume, vol American Scenery, or land. Table and River, from Drawings by Rartlett, the Letter Press by 5f.

F. WHIis, huge quarto vatumes, with 309 steel eneraviassk Characteristies of Women; Moral. Poetical and Bltmr- paaaeogers detained by fog from sailing yesterday. will be aold, aH the notes, hook account of said estate, ana warn 1 1 i-. nH n.

The Stramer EMPIRE STATE will MryftBfto Buffalo and Chiesjco oa aach aher- nate M'ednesda (rorintr she season of b4. 'fe0i "i1- of old tm. window sash, glass went oat this morning. William Dendridge Eppts, convicted of tbe HA.AKD, Ml paj 1 KATH A BHEanaS. wnug nxturea, yxme, tat of snxX.

aead eyca. murder of Mr. Mom, was hang at Richmond, if sale "Tin be to the highest bidder. TermsCash, uirresitiuaaa. i od the 22ud.

He made a foil confession of hie GRAND 18UAND WOOD -The subscriber has on hand, at the sign of the GRAND IS LAN WOOD YARD, about iou cords of first quality Seasoned HARD WOOD, which he oilers for sale, in quantities to utt purchasers, oa very rensonalde lenua. Wood will be delivered. 1 desired, on 111011 notice. Omce and yard on south side of the Main and Dam-burgh Street Canal, directly eastof HuT Hotrt. Butfalo, Deeember S3, l-4.

dfft3Ue4 R. PERUAM. guill. NOTIC-Tatheesxieantndm of the Bansky nnd Williaaasvtlle Marartam Rsrtd Cossnaay. TMa anal tar el ins of the Hinrttjas- tba Omnn.

nw maa nuimisian iicam. STANDARB Vin Kfl AHnfi Hmn The railroad from New Haven to this city, was purposeof emctia; Seven Unmans and Three Is Preseoct's Ooamm of Mexteo; Piescuu' Ferdinand aad of Kiecuon tor the eanaiaa year. wiH be brad nt she i Book Marks, opened yesterday. Ot HOB. K.

t. PMVUtM, (m HUSilAl. Ja a nary na. ia, at wo-eiocK A. M.

TneFotlwuti Law Partnership. AOSWOBTII tc CAMEBOX, Have formed a partnervUib in the practice of the Law. OOVc ml Main street, Buff ilo. jiMM WAsswnsTH, iinai axnoi. rate.l September lt, IP48.

sely n. S. A H. O. GILBERT, SXCHJffOE BROKERS, Arcade Buildings, corner Main and Lloyd streets, oel-Jrf Butfalo.

II. C. DAY, Attorney at Law and Commissioner of Duds, oclltttivl POSTOFFICE BUILDINGS. ncAKTIIUllS'---24Q gaiii streets TOYS FOR THIS HOLID AYS I A Christinas is coming, Mc Arthur iaciined. Hi Patraoa, and those of Saint Nick, tosamioii, Of the goos thing he asakes for soirees, westdtngs aad par- ties, Cakes, kisses.

Jellies, ice creams and Charlotte Rnsss a Martini's! By the bye Saint Nick comes, from the regions of ice la hi grotesque, old carnage, and ponies like mice, tee kiin dashing alone, over mouatain, aad piasa. To distribute hi toys, from Mc Arthurs' again. -He knows the old places and gauloisrr weil. So he'll be down all your ehimneys, and tinkle his aetl! lie comes frain old Germany. F.nland snd France.

With his JWea-naeka. and sjisa cracks, and last Polka i The Emoire of Chia be took ia bis way, And bis gewgaws from thence atake a spleSKhd display. Ladles' mho and work-sons, inlai 1 with pearl. So tempting, they'd open the porse of a ehmrlt The fine hop of Paris, he' raasaek'd all o'er. And of exquisite bon-bons, has got a fall stare.

So auique and delicious, snd numerous too; They en brace aH the fancies, a Frenehmaa e'er knew It wonderful bow he caa travel fas With such a varietv load as the mat: Besides, on bis back what a budget he carries. For M' Arthur's old friends, through streets, chimneys and alleys! On Christmas eve, he has promised to serve all, in time. And to fill up the slocking by half-past nine! And then in the parlor, perhaps be will peep. With something more pretty, for Emms to keep! What charming keepsakes so rare. He wiH place to be seen by each favorite tairt Who will fondly Imagine, so aad ao has been here! How I wish I had seen him what a pity dear! Al the eoatbera convention of nw tubers -of hour.

By order of (be Board of Director. ical, with Critic. by Mrs. Jamesoa; a elegant Portrait, beautifauv hound, 1 vol. vo.

JKQ. R. LEE.I kteVVtWTs uakfid December la, istB. The Female Cliaractm of engraved Congress, en Friday ereninff, sixty-eight the two houses were present. There was eeasider-able feeling among tbe member, and mech talk of tbe Honse receding from its recent sote, Tbe REWARD Stolen from the premiarsof the subscriber, ia the city of Bunalo.

oa or about tha $25 the direction of Chas Heafh, SI steel engravings, in one volume, vo, fail gilt. The Book of Common Praver, with aOSOriumi atal Borders, 71 Ornamrntat Uunraloss tha tautt boaMliAd Bonk of the Season. 1 vol. 8 vt 4th of August last, a heavy Two Home LUMBER WAG- wi. said vtaaoa was punted lead color: ae ironed with a bar of Iron, toauoaort it ia dm wins kunber The London Keepsake for 1H49, This beautiful Annual contain of tbe choicest Engravings, from drawiags of editor of the TrxAune, in writing to hi paper, says that he hears of bat two members, who voted for tbe resolution, who are willing to recant.

NOTICE Ipreby given that an-apiiemtoa will be made to the Cegnriaturer-of the vHate of New York, at the next session thereof, for authority to the Yonng Men's Association of the city of Bufralo, to issue bonds to aa amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, for the purpose of purchasing a lot and erectioga building for the use of the Areociation. Duted December 2, I84M. dsToawtfeS IHf Sbic Paper please copy and charge tbi office. AMr'OUJVI ANM! HO.CALIFOR- lANSt A new Work oa California, worth having, by W. II.

Emory, Brevet Major, Corps Topographical Engineer. Priee tit. ft is a Congressional octavo, containing a huge Mip, several ieet aquare, and filled with fifty-seven of the most superb and highly finished Engraving. If gotten up by a private publisher, the work could not have been furnished at less than RIO a copy: but the Oovernnent ha been reparole of expense, and we are enabled to furnish it at '1 those intending go overland to the California Gold Regions, this would be an indispensable work, as it contains a route from St. Louis to from off the hind wbeehn the bolsters had straps of iraa shout eirnt inrne komt, Hked oa close ta the ntaktm oa the hind bolsters the iron scraps were tosa eaT by drawing long kumberoa ibeaxteeree, aad the waodea part of the axletree was worn otT by tne asms prnriassi the reach was checked by the hind wheel apaettutg; tha nnckyok had made a dent in the iron at the cad of the tongue by hems; JOHN F.

PORTER dfc FOR ffA RTtlXG ASD COMMISSION MERCBA1TT8. AMD Aeentt far the Purchof. and Salt of Produce, Salt, IfC. apll St. Joseph and Nilea, Miesigaa.

the first Artist. V- i Henth's Book of Beauty for or legal Gallery, with it engravings, edited by the Coaetess of lllsasiagtOB. The American ia Fnris; or Heath' Picturesque Annual, illustrated by eighteen engravings, from design by Lami. Leaflets of Memory, an Illuminaksd Aaaual, with 35 MessflSin smmvinss. nill Tarkev.

silt, In consequence of interruptions ia the. Telegraph, the following has been received by mail Columbus, Dec. 231 Tbe House is organized. This morning Dr. Towhsexd called up his resolutions again.

They Also Bibles, Prayer Books. Hymn Poetical Works. in splendid hindines, for sale cheap. My motto is Omxk gain nnd Small Profit:" del E. HOLLIDGE.17 Main t.

SPLENDID PLAID LONG SHAWLS, DRESS AND OTHER GOODS. Just received at the SCOTCH STORE, 210 MAIN ST. I our assortment will be found SOU Plaid Long Hlmwl. from 4 511 to 1 Plaid Square hwli, from upwards. lot Indoux real Cashmere Long Phawts, from ft 10 to B)7.

S0 Indoax real Cashmere Square Shawls, from SB piece Satin Turk, very rlea. -30 pieces Chamclion Silks, heantlfirt styles and colors. pieces Satin tripe Lamhertines. 3J pieces Plaid Raw Silk, from 1. upwards.

iOO pieces Cashmeres and Mousserine rte Laines. SO pieces Cashmere Keome. Sua yards Black Gros de Rhine. Son 7 arris French Merinos, all colors. French Ginghams and Prints, newest style.

Black Silk velvet, excellent quality. Rich Embossed Table Covers. Red and White Flannel. Canton do, Blankets, Ac. Table Linens, Napkin, Irish Linln.

A lajrfe assortment of Bleached Good, from Sc. apward. We have also received a large assortment of French Capes, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Ike. ONE PRICE ONLY. JOHN MURRAY del Scotch Store, 21U Main M.

nosroui. para sgoa ana een in ne about months, and was audc by IX. liowen, who describe it as fouowst 1'iie in-k wide by thick; larse bub with rather II -spokes for the weieht of tha waaoat the anitasra were The Women of the Blbte, dcliasaled fn a series of A. W. CUTTER, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Stone Wareloue, No.

Central Wharf. mart9lf BUFFALO. strapped areaad aud upon the stakes with band iron rivetr through the Makes, k4t gcng through the holstsi and But Jost call and see tnem, before ne goes round Han rancisro. Just received anil lor sme at His Depot i tilled, trom tne root to me groona For two hundred and fortv is fall as an Ark. BURKE'S CHEAP IKWJKSTOKE, dec43 Under the Mansion.

ssanetm; renctarsuoaquest or rerot Ptrpn Geatral Americat Pttphciis' Travekt ta Tacasanr Hnaaes Hnao-ryarSngtaod; Keighttey Library af History. vols; Headier' Washinesaa and his Generaia; Headtey'a Ka-rjotcoa and ais Msjaraua, Hendley'a Lift of Cromwell, ELEGANT PRESENTATION BOOKS. The Women of the Bible. A aeriesof Sketcaesol promi-aeat Female mentioned in the Scripture, ilhwiiattd with 18 cbnracteristic euravinga. Leaflet of Memory, lt The Gem of Aaimala.

beautifully illuminated, and printed oa snow white paper, hi decant Turkey tDreceo bladings. The Gemot the Season IBS, emhelithed with Wspten-did engravmtjs, by the first Annas. Book of PesjJ, 18tH A choice Garland of Pross, Poetry and Art, containingns freely executed steel engravings. The Rosaryvjf Illustratnosof me Bible Edited by Edward Hale a sovereign and elegaM nook, well worthy of center table. Gallery of Msxaotiata.

18f St fine engravings. The Literary contents of this book, has heea contribute fcy several of the atost eminent American writers, making it a Gift Book which pomesact literary merit superior CO the average rue of American Annuals; a beautiful aula)! quarto volume, elegantly bound In mororco. The CqMd--A Gift for all Seasons. colored engravings, i Tbe Keepsake. of Friendship, IBM la fine binding.

I The Amarinth, 1849 Fine i I lustrations. Snow Flake. IMS 10 beautiful illustrations, elegantly bound, richly eilt. The Mont Rose, for 1SW. The Forget-Me-Not, Ibr 1841.

The Wreath of Friendship, for 149 A Gift for the Young. Christmas Roses, for 1S49 With fine plates. Christmas Btosroms, for IS49. ELEGANT MINIATURE VOLUMES, wrra n-trauuTn tttu Paoas. am raosTisnscxs.

Thompsont Seasons. Yoong' Night Thought. Clarke' Scripture ridal Keepsake. Vicar of Wakefield. Odd Fellow' Token.

Gesos of Asaerican Poets. Poetry of Love. Pollack's Course of Time. Album of Love. H.

More' Private Devo too. Flower Vase. Mnre' Prscucal Piety. Ladia1 Vase, MCVIATTRE LIBRARY POETS. Montgomery's Poems.

Mrs. Landoa's Poetna. Scott's Lady of the Mrs. Sigoarney's Poems. Souther's Poems.

Mr. Norton' Poems. Coleridge'c Hood's Poems. -Wadsworth's Poema. BlcomfiekPs Poem.

stakea, wita a brace hehiad thsatakes, with a eouar oa the bolster riveted oa the autfcest the forward axtetreshnd hooka for steady chaiast both axletree made of the henv- iest kind of iron, too haavv for evdinarv work for twa Of the choicest Confectionary sold In thi Mart! de39t30 horsesi oa tbesand board wax a heavy piee of iron, erv- GLASS WARE OF THE LATEST STYLES A large and elegant assortment of Rich Fluted Tumbler, Goblcu, Cliaoipegnes, Cellery 1)1 bra, Sallad Bow Ir, Jelly Glasses. Preserve Dishes. Lemonade Glasses. Pitch Sketches ot Prominent Females, mentioned tn Holy Scripture; by Clergymen of the United States; iltumcated by eighteen Characteristic steel engraving, with a novel style ol binding. 1 The Book of Pearls; a Choice Garland of Prose, Poetry and Art, containing twenty finely executed engravfcg on steel, from drawings by eminent Artists; one volume, 8 vo, richly bound.

The Gem of the Season, for IS4S-, contains twenty of Sartain' exquisite Mezzotint engravings, and the contri-iMition of some of our most eminent writers, and is edit ed by an accomplished scholar and a gentleman of taste, as the volume sufficiently attests; one small quarto volume, superbly bound. The Parables of Our Lord; richly fllirmlnated, witk border nrinuvl in colors, and in black and sold; bound in HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT TAJT BXEEjrS BAZAAR, 884 MADT ST. CIVILITY GRATIS I CTIO NER Y. er. Decaliters, Pyramid Staiul? Fruit Pishes, Ac.

all of ing as a piate, ana staauer-at tne enas where the notm went through it; the nun oa the ends were not alike, aae being smaller thaa tna other ud flatter. Whoever will return aaid Wagon shall receive the above S3 toward, or RJB tor giving in forma tioo where it may be found. J. W. F.

UOLSON, which were purchased tor the Holidays, and now tor saw at very low price by occxj jun.i ri ir.seon, 10? mauin. delscKJteli Opposite ttie Gas Work, Buffalo. SOLAR STAND LAMPS-Of Corneliu It Co. make. The subscriber has a few 01 these Supreme Lamps yet on hand, which he offer at Rl each, with 1 11HHULU I1UN -I be copartnership a massive carved binding, in the style of the siJrteejithcea-4 EL.

IAS WEED dc CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. CENTRAL WUARF. BUFFALO. I Agents for New York ax.

Toledo and New York Indiana Lines. my A HI It HOSE S. CABWER, DRAPER AND TAIL OR, NO. S74 MAIN KREMLIN' BLOCK, BUFFALO. nrr All order faithfully and promptly attended to.

Garment make and trimmed on uhort notice. myl9 B. C. CARYL, COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT, Elevntor, opjiosite Skiouer Canal, an tlu Harbor, marntf F. V.


10 Central Warf, Buffalo. PIULO DiJIU'EE CO PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. It and 15, Prime street and Wharf. drops. Persons wishing 10 purchase, will do well by cal AJ existing under the name and arm of LATtnaa am DaiaacsT, i thi day dissolved by mutual eonseac WtLuaM C.

DauABtsr is auiborised to collect ail debt due and settle the busines af the lale firm. Sugar Bouquets, Sugar Loaves, Guava Jelly, French Chocolate, Sugar Baskets, Currant Jelly, Sugar Fruit, Chrystalii'd Fruit, Rock Candy( Sugar Segars, Sugar Almonds, Lozenges, kinds, Jackson Roll, French do Vanila Candy. CrB-ytl'7d Hearts, Cordial Almonds, Almond Candy, Chrysil'zd Rings, Barberry do Peanut Candy, Ornam'ed Heart, Cinnamon Bods, Hoarhound Candy, French Moitpes, do Comfits, I. Moss Candy, Torpedo Motioes, Clove Plums, Lemon Candy, substantially adopted, and the House organised. The resolutions are to tbe effect thai the certificates of membership which were handed te Mr.

Swift, except those of Messrs. Sfksczk and Rtntyaar. Whigs, shall be filled with those of the forty-two others. The first business to be transacted is the consideration of the question whether Messrs. Pugb and Pintcx, Democrats, are by their certificates prima facia entitled to seats till their claims shall be fairly decided upon their merits upon which resolution tbe said Poaa and Pierce not to be entitldd to vote; but tbe said resolution to be decided by the remaining 70 members.

Nothing in the proceedings is to interfere with the right of Messrs. Spehckr and Rosy, or Puh and Pisrce, to contest the seats afier the organization. Mr. Lsitkr acts as Chairman, and Mr. McClcri Whig, as Clerk.

There will be nothing done nntil after Christmas. NEW YORK. MARKET. ling soon on dec'i JUiim ra 1 1 exsun, iik manti. TRKNCH AND ERjEiSII5lIIN A VA SEs A large and well selected assortment can be FREDERICK B.

LATIMER. WILLIAM C. DEM A REST. Buffalo, Dec. 0, 1818.

CT The undersigned will continue the Dry Goods bnsi- lounu at dec 23 JOHN PATTERSON'S. 163 Main it. CiHEAF CROCKERY GLASS WARE ESTABLISHMENT No. lbtt Main street. Tlieaub- common mottoes, oaraway vomnw, reopermini iiwj, Cornucopias line, Scotch Carveys, Wintergr'n Candy, Satin Emb'd do Sugar Plums, Rose Drops, Common do Chocolate Drops, Lemon Drops, Sugar Shells, Citron Comfits, Sugar Band, nemat the old stand.

No, ilH Maia Mreet. snd respectfully solicit a continuance of the palronassj ao liberally bestowed upon the late firm. criber ha now on hand a large and elegant assortment of oersa was. uemasesiv lury. The Amaranth, Rose of Sharon, Forget-Me-Not.

Opal, Snow Flake, Ottering of Beauty, and the hundred other Annuals, we have sot time to mention, or to specify the peculiarities suffice ittusay that our variety cannot bt excelled, and none need go away empty. But the STANDARD AMERICAN POETS, Such as Fitz-Greene Halter k'a Complete Poetical Works, finely illustrated and beautifully hound. AppletoB's Magnificent edition of Byron, one fine 8 vo. volume, with steel illustrations. Also Moore's Poems, uniform edition with Soothey and Byron.

Longfellow's Illustrated edition. Bryant's Illustrated edition. Willis' Illustrated edition. Mrs. Sigourney's Illustrated edition.

Scott's Lady of tlie Lake, illustrated edition. Moore's Lallan Rookb. all in beautiful volumes, fine octavo, elegantly bound. Dante, Burnt, Cow per, Scott. Milton, Goldsmith, Shelby, Beanie, Pope, Crabbe, Wordsworth.

Gray, Thompson, Butler. Ynunv. Air. ke. Flowing Blue Dinner and Tea Sett, lull or parts 01 sett to (Uit purchaser.

Also, the latest style of List" Blue, ENDERWRITERS SALE AT AUCTIOW. El iza Cook's Poems, Topper's Proverbial Fbilos- common tuien, wum urops, uunu aiimmkih, Sugar Toys, qy oz. Cordial Drop, Refined Licorice, Large Toy, Jelly Drops, Cake Ornaments, Almond Candy, ChryVzd Cherries, Paste Toys, Blue Raised, Whin; Granite, all of which will be sold at To be sold at taction, to tn aiahemhkldaT. FOR reduced prices. deet JOHN PATTERSON CASH, at the office of Gno.

Davm. ia the city af Sbelby's Poems. pay. CHILDREN'S NEW BOOKS FOR 1849. Books of An i ma Is.

-With Dlates. uo. oa the 3Uta dav of December Instant, at o'clock 1 1A7HITE CHINA OPEN WORK FRI'IT UlSHts or aaie at trie uneap wrocaery more. The Happy Children, a Tale of Home; for Young Pen- JOHN PATTERSON, 168 Main t. dec23 A.

the body, tackle, taraitare and apparel of (he brig SANDUSKY, now tying sank ia the Cut, at Long Point. Canada West. Decarnber 13, 1848. oelStSO G. ROUNDS, for N.

W. Ins. Co. Agency of the National Eioau Fund Elfe AsHormiiee Society of Eoiidon. orrica no.

II mebchahts' kxchamok. irru. Empowered by Act of Parliament, with a npitM of sterling, or t.jno,uou, i-ftn. Having been appointed Auent ftr Uii? Society. I nm prepared to receive applications at my office, for Life Insurance Policies, on terms as favorable as any other Society.

This Society is doing an extensive and profitable busmen, ad from its large cash capital of two and am kalf mtlluiat of doUart, oilers unequalled security to the policy holders, besides dividing amonrH the assured two third of Hit Pro-jit. Persons eoeeting insurance for Life, can at once borrow one-half the amount of the annual premium by giving their sam matt, and aeaisainff the policy a security. For farther particulars apply at the omce. A. A.

EUSTAPHI EVE. Agent. Cmarlk Wnnte, M. Medical Examiner. OV SIBKOTOttS tit IfSW VOBK.

Jacob Harvey, Ch'n. S. Hon land. Joha J. Palmer, Gorhain A.

Worth, Jonathan Goodhue, Samuel M. Fox, James Bosrman, William Van Hook, George Barclay, C. Edward Habirhl. J. LEANDER STARR, fcb384tawly General Agent for the United States TVfal 1 Arraiigcmeou.

I'oSTomrx. BrrTALO, N. Y. December 1M7. Open every day Sunday excei'itd; from 7 A.

M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, opcu from 8 to 9 A. anil from 4 to P.

M. ctain or THl MAILS at lumlo. Great Eastern Mail closes at 7 o'clock, P. M. Great Western Mail closes at 7 o'clock.

A. M. French candy, cayenne uropt, uases oj an ainus. Marsh Mai. Paste, W.

Preserves, Sticks, Lum. fcc. Flower Mottoes, Coeoanut Cakes, FANCY GOODS. Alabaster Inkstand. CardBaskebi, SB kinds.

Alabaster Watchatnnds, Shawl Pins, assorted. TUPPEKS PROVERBIAL, PHILOSO- 1 PHY That far-famed work, of which these are conies sold per annum in America. A very suitable CHAI.KI D. NORTON, Attorney at Camiaitaiommr of DedA, ire. 103 Main street.

apl8 11 ra. Iwia Stephen' ltoigraerrlaui Koonia OVER PATCHIt BANK, mnylllf Entrance on Erie street. R. WILEIANIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, IS CENTRAL WHARF AND PRIME STREET. Alabaster Paper Weights, Boxes note Paper, pie.

Mamma's Bible Stories, for Boys and Girls. Little Anna's First Books, with 70 pistes. -Home for the Hoi idays, 8 colored plates. Aunt Fanny' Christinas Stories, illustrated. The A Pleasant Companioa.

Buds and Bkwsoras, by Mrs, Bushes -Juvenile Scrap Book, with 88 plates. Book for presentation, prices from oc to fi each. The Buffalo Edition is now ready, put up in the various styles New Yob, Dee. 463 P. M.

The Mock market is heavy today and iuactire. notes 65 loan 7 Long Island -Kcidiug 2Sj. Sterling dull at8f98Jc. Preiglita without change. The produce markets are inactive, but steady.

Perfume Stands, AUo A full assortment of Standard, Miscellaneous, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE Taoaus Pbasb and James H. Psass, (comprising the firm of James H. Pease A Co. Albany, and Tbomaa Thomas A Co. Roches ler) having made aa assignment to the subscriber of all the property, account and demands belonging as them and each of them for the benefit of their creditors Notice is hereby civea to ail persons indebted to them or either of ofbindrng.

UEO. II. UtKBY A CO, fuMianers, dec'2:) 164 Main st. Literary, Theological, Scientific aad Agricultural Works. JUVENILE BOOKS.

A sreat varietv for the little ones from Mother Hub About-iSoe bbl flour sold at 3 3Ufdi 631(95 PARTV DRESSES A most beautifuiaasortmeut Just received, the very latest styles, and selling at the Embroidered Portfolios, Maribo Fans, Perfume Cosh ions. Spool Stand. Splendid Mirrors, Sleet Bags and Purses, Purse Twist, Rings, Beads, stc. Silk Hose, Silk Fringes, -them, and to all persons having property belonging to ae-Akf Buffalo. Perfume Baskets, Perfume Boxes.

Perfume Trunk; Pearl Inkstands, China Inkstands, Ladle Companions. Fine Cutlery, Silver Thimble, Silver Pencils, Gold Pencils, Bouquet Holders, bard's Remarkable Dog to the devetopetpeots of the present century; all of which it will afford us pleasure to exhibit to our friends, and all that are pleased to favor na with a call. Hyacintn tor tsw. Green's Nursery Annual The Boy' Own Book. Tbe Girl's Own Book.

I'll be a Gentleman, by Mrs. Tuthfll, I' II be a Ijidy, by Mrs. Tothlll. Boy's Treasury of Kport- QUARTO BiBLES, very lowetl prices. Also, White Kid fllove.

French Worked Collars and Capes, Cufft and Under Hdkfs. tnem or either ot tnem, aoeount an4 aetue wita tneaaa-acriber. Deeember la. 1949. THOMA4 MONTGOMERY.

Amignee, dec90ta Rochester, N. Y. 75 for pure. Meal Si 67 for Jersey. Corn for new Southersi 0b3l Northern.

Rye oic. Oat 2Va de-20 GF.O. H. DERBY let Mam at. Embroidered and Wide Bordered Pocket Hdkf.

Selling Silk Braid, Ac, Work Boxes, from 4s. to ft 10, Christmas and. New Year G-ifta. at Great Bargain by GEORGE WHITE ft JOHN II. sUGPARD At0.

HABrrACTPBsas or STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. BUFFALO, N. Y. XT Engine and Boiler repaired and all kinds of and Machinery made to order. A.

JOHNSON, Aceordeons, Pork firm, but not active. ut mass rtotties. In great profoaion; some beautifully bound copies, with illuminated title uases. varvin IB orice from Rl to tH. Tlie subscribers have a desirable assortment of ueeva main nreet.

ivreiim diock. KA CORDS HUILDLNG STONE FOR Work Boxes, assorted, plain Boxes Perfumery, assorted. AyfARSHAL'S NOTICE By virtue of a writ lVx ot veaditioui exponas, tmued out of the District Court of the United Stales, ia and for the Nortbera Diatrsct-of New York, to ate directed and delivered, I shall sell at public auatioa, in the Blip adjoining the Buffalo Elevator, is this city, tbs meamhoal A. D. FATCH1N, her tackle, annsrel and furniture, on lbs twentv-euthrh day of De- Children's Worsted Coatees, Jenny Lind Scarfs, Large Trunk of Perfumery, and furnished.

pocket bibles in an tne aiuereot varietiea or Jf SALE Inquire of Cherry de Laines, Highland Garters, de3 GUENTUEK 4t STEVEN 163 Main st. binding, from 3 cents to 01a. PRAYER BOOKS. PRODUCE AND INSURANCE BROKER, standing onara. Splendid Silks, Cashmeres and Delaines, Beef and lard dull.

Butter and cheese in fair demand. 1 11 cotton tlie market is steady. Ashes firm at 88 and g6 Whiskey 23faH3je. SATURDAY EVENING'S REPORT. BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS A large assurunent of the most apiarm-d kinds, for Of all the standard edition, nrlnted on fine paper, good csmbertnstant.atUo'cliek ia the forenoon of tnat day, Bunalo, December SO, 1S48, Children' Stockings, Cashmere Shawls, Neck Ties, Gents Cravats.

Thibet Merinos, Paris Collars. Belt Ribbons, Ac. sic. NO. 3 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, BUFFALO, KTagaNcaa.

John Hollinter. R. H. Hevwood. saie at tow uuca uy lean type, in elegant Turkey morocco and velvet bindings, with and without together with (he plainer style of binding.

Our assorunent in this lins will compare 1- 7M. C. PEMAREST, 2ie Main st. Lmen Camb. Hdkfs.

Kid Gloves, Under Hdkfs. de-lU w. JALVD VU 1.1, HU.IU. deltS7 C. A.

WAjDRON, Dep. Marshal. Philo Durlee A Cor, Dean Richmond, Esq. ap9a Jewel Stands, Paper Folders, assorted, Porte Moanaes, Card Care, assorted, Segar Cases, asserted. Shell Back Combs, Sliell Side Combs, Jewelry, assorted.

Silvered Back Couiqs, Opera Glasses, Fancy Pin Cushions, Tassel, assorted. Embroidered Suspauder, Grecian Boots, embroidered snoes. Combs and Brashes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Rich Vases, from 4s. to R18, Siatuetts, 30 kinds. Toilet Boules.

from 7s. to Ri, Games, assorted. Table Bella, assorted. Vegetable Ivory Goods, Lamp Mats, Fancy Boxes, China Tea Sets, Chenilles, assorted. Wax Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Kid Dolls, assorted, Ac.

R. F. ANDREWS. OPTICIAN Alt of which we are disposed to sell at the lowest prices. G' ENTLEMEN'H CRAVATS Kid.

Silk, Me-F rioo and Beaver Gloves; Cotton and Merino Half Hose, Silk Hilkfa, Merino Wrappers, fte at I8 Main st. deS3 WM. DEMABEST AND SIJRVEYUR'S INSTRUMENT Otean Mail, at 7- A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Northern Mail closes at 9 o'clock, A. M. Lodi and Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Warsaw Monday.

Wednesdays and Fridays, at 19 o'clock, M. Pilot via Wuiiamsville and and Saturday at 7 o'clock A. hi. Two mails a day are made up for New York, Albany and Rochester, cloning at 7 o'clock A M. and 7 P.M.

Postage on letter to go by ship and to the Canada, must be paid at this office. oc-l K. SMITH, P. M. Extensive Sale of Splendid Shawls.

JOHN MONTGOMERY is nowoflering for sale at bis Shawl Room, No. 4M Main street, a splendid assortment of LONG AND SQUARE CASHMERE SHAWI.S, aaprime cost. Purchasers can here rind not only the tar- dec) LATIMER 4c DEM AREST, 418 Mains'. Ooiigtreaa tonal. VV'ashingtor, Dec.

22 Midnight. MAKER, from London No. 14 Webster BaUdiaas. htahx GEO. N.

WIUiIANiS, Storing, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. At the New Warehouse, near the Lloyd street Bridge, oetutf Butt'ato. Law Notice, TTOLjUirS POEMS A new supiUyof this amu- CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS Gentlemen and Ladies wishing a uselul as well as ornamental article, as a present for tlie coming Senate. Tbe Senate assembled at the usual J.X etng volume, mat receiver ny hour. Vice President Dallas in tbe chair.

After del II. DERBY 1M Main t. Knds for do Holidays, cannot do better than to patronize the subscri prayer and the usual routine exercises of opening, Smoking Caps, ber's beautiful TRANSPARKNCIF.S. atT31 Main st BlUELOW A PERM A new supply at deia G. H.

DERBY 4c CO'gt, ltM Main t. where ever varietv of color and style may be had, at pri the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the voraoiy wiinanyiuing aver ueiore onerea to uus ciuj. JUVENILE TOY BOOKS FOR -CHHJREJI-Ab extensive assortment, with beautifully colored and plain pictures together with Alphabet Blocks. Games. Puzzles, tc, tc, in fact we have everv thing to piesae ciiiiilrfn.

CARD CASES Pearl, Ivory. Turtle Shell. Bronzed Papier Macaa, Velvet and Morocco Card Cases, with all the new and beautiful pMieras. PORTFOLIOS. English, French aad American Note Portfolios, for Ladies and Gentlemen, some entire new patterns.

Our assortment I hot swpassed by any store in Buffalo, comprising every tiling in the Book and Fancy Stationery line, and we shall endeavor to sell at such prices that none shall have reason to complain. Civility shown to non purchasers, at DAN FORTH CO' 8 BOOK EMPORIUM, dr-24 ,5 S39 Main street, above Swan. PERFUMES. Liiliin's Genuine. Colognes, assorted.

N. WILGU8. ces to suit tlie times. ueiwm Bill in favor ot draining the H.verglades of londa. street.

Jobeimdoneia tne nest and eaeapest msnswr. Orders from a distance will be promptly alnmded to aad executed with tbe same care as if ordered in ski son. R. F. A.

respectfully invites the attention of Bmi mm to his stork of INSTRUMENTS, Ttnwdoliias. levels, Circmnferentert, on hand, made oa the most approved construction. The not ice of the inhabitants of Buffalo and vicinity-is particularly invited to hit stock of Bpeetaclea, Including trie celebrated BrazeJliaa Pebbles, and Classes of the best euality. Barometer. Thermotnrter, ami an other rnstrtrstants carefully repaired.

Giants re-set aad every description of work in bis line punctually trended to. lel4tj14 PICES Nuuneg. Mace, Caiwia, Piuiento, Pepper, I. line, verbena. Mills Hem, Hay Kuin for sale by Mr.

i ulee. ot londa, ottered an amendment. 1. avenue anu Cloves, iroau ana pure. NEW MU8IC FOR THE PIANO FORTE GEO.

A. PRINCE has just received the following Hair Oils, assorted. Musk, West End, GEO. GAGE. Mr.

Niles, of Connecticut, and Clark, of Rhode New Music, bled to aeleciShe most desirable styles at iirires much low. IXTINES AND LIQUORS A choice selection Island, spoke in opposition to the amendment, aud HouuirroN sphague, 'Hare this day formed a partnership in the practice of the Entrance to onice at White A WilUany Bank, No. I HI Main at, Biiflalo. Dated May 17.

ISIS. aBoadie w. uoreirroK, myfcl s. caklxto.v rntotnt E. C.

SPRAGUE. Coaiiuaauoacr of Deeds. (TT SiaTbt DtmftA oat New Yorlt Sold al A. PARSER'S EXCHANGE OFFICE, aiv24tf No, la East Seneea atrect. er than others can anbrd to sell my object being at present ALl Viola waltz Music by of Pure Wines and Liquors, for sale by Hambridge.

to reduce the stock asmuenaa pomitxe every article will GEO. GAGK. derQS said tney wanted sumcient security that Honda would complete the work. They contended that Teunessee waltx. Dahlia Cream, Pomades, Bandoline, Bears Oils, Ox Marrow, Tooth Powder, Kalyuor, Lustrate, Soaps, .1.1.

(iters. V. Wallace. Patchouia, Fleurs de Ashland-Auihrosie, Jocky Club, Rough and Ready, Jenny Lind, Bouquet Caroline, Bouquet Arabic, Miguionetle, Sweet Briar, be, ooered at prices which cannot tail to ensure ready PrMlv Marv waltz aaie. 1 emu, cash.

T7RESH FRUITS AND C. there was no redress to be had if the lands once The Fortune Redowa waltxes fTTRNErrs PATENT SELF-ACTING and uar tor. Zante X' at. sutiaiaa, in hozes. halves ceded were lost.

RAILROAD BRAKE Letter Patent fortbwi DRY GOODS. M.i Gen. Tavlor-stt. R. B.

TavlOT. valuable improvement were isnir oa sas ism oi nprovement Mr. J. R. Underwood, of Kcatacky, rose aad The nnmee Iff A Istrd.

The nndenizneii havine this day uur Meen run. The Volunteer's Return Chas. Hess. Currenu, Pigs, Grapes, Citron, ate. 80ft riliell Aluionils, Pilberta, Madeira Nuu, Pea Nuts, Hickory Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Ate.

fcc lor sale by derM GEO. GAGE. Kose tiDranium. amis its favor which OTdCKB HV THE DOZEN The uuderefen fl have also all of the above Lilly White, chased the entire stock of Dry Goods at No. tM Main proceeded to address the Senate at some length Fort Harrison March ext.

Weber. have been recei vedxnd the favorable notice of the pmscipM ed have thi day received by Enures, a large lot of-i DANCES. POLKAS. ETC. kinds of Saisay's manufac- Curling Balm, Ilc.

Qifts ibr tha Holidays. Tbe most splendid nwortmeMof GKU for tbe Holiday may now be seen at BURKE'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, among whirhtu-e the fottowtngt The Leaflet of Memory, illustrated with 19 Mexsotint engravings, The Book Of Pearls, illususated wiib9u ste-4 engravints. LongfeltoWe Poetical Works, illustrated with 11 steel ia opposition to the Bill. He said be was fav ture. TTOMIERY In every variety, of Worsted, Merinos of a surrey and exploration of all swamp lauds of Concert Hall Cotillion Chas, Bolster.

TheCahaba polka W. Geib. street, is now prepared to oner to the citizen of Buffalo, an assortment of Good nnurpacd in extent and variety assay va thru city. -Ivfy-pfesent stock will be replenished fro time to time with New Good, thmughouttheaeaaon. and every article will lie sold at the loweit CM mm.

sit MiAJst at a aesv at, w. vns eommnesi enas, a arnun-ful article, which they will sell to ta trade atjow prices. Also, a great variety of feney patterns, with combined lallif.MHlUilkuWMdA IhwiAli wiill am ill si n. fun. Alpaca and i.ottou.

very rneap, at devil '1, TUua. PERaUNR'. tverclade, and that not only in torida but in Willie j. v. lerccK.

met Dressed Dolls, Doll Heads, Toys tn boxes, and In many otner curesv-ir a amaium i I Cola raiu Men ion us a call. MlLblNGTON 4k BROTHER, SLEIGH BELLS Back. Martingale and Neck Straps. Roand, rough and polished Hells. Open nol- of improvement was required.

by fcr bo im. mention, and which the nublie are Tbe Cornet Rudolph. of it operation from every clam of pei sous who have scan confirms us ia tbe belief that with this Brake attached) the Car, no more coUhuons need be had en our Railronds, and no more lives lost. The price cf iu aae wouM be saved by every road probably many nans in each year, besides the great safety to the traveling public, las principle of action is simple, meehanirsB, and any to be attached, and by it the where tram Ja anvcrned by the engineer with a certainly whiebcan never fail aim. Far far-formation or for ristit for it use, address CHARLEt B.

TURNER, Pairs lee 1 Mate sinelopfSisM the Cksireassv. 1 1 La H. Roseucn. Serafihine 1 invited to examine. delt When Mr.

Underwood, had concluded, he was The Opal, A $tft for all Wessons, illustrated with 8 Mes- zetints. v. aned do, mil sizes, tot sale ny .8. Ehrfich. my sales win De eonnnen czenmssry tram wnien there will be a.

dtvtmlutM in any event. Cash purehaers wi I consult their ovn interest by examining my Goads and price before purchasin elsewhere, as I amdelerniin-ed never to be aoitrtaid. Bufralo. December 8, l-l-. delltialo JOHN C.

MONTGOMERY, "104 Main st. followed by Messrs. Benton, Downs, Westcott, tJiaraneiia The Oliva DEPOT OF MANTa. CLAI'S. PAItM FOR SALE OR TO EX-' CHANGE A 1' Eit Hi of oi acres, in the towu of Lancaster, is Ibr sale, or would be exchanged for TilUMSUH BSUTHhKW, deX)tf 0 Webster The Snow FRdte, UluMrated with IS Mexxotint engra J.

W. Bruhua. vings, Military Bali and H. Johnson, each or whom spoke at considerable length in support of the Bill, aud advocated CONFECTIONARY, TOYS AND FANCY fiOODS, VELLOW PIE PL ATES Pudding Bowl and W- IS. Ricks.

penalises near the bouoilaof uie city. Said far situated inin mile of Bunalo. on tlie plank road to Lan Franca Saratoga Congress Water. i Kyihn. The KriendnirOnferiBfcCsiUuning vol Bsrtatn's nest wotint engrkvines.

Tbe Fnrv. Woa. A ana- Pi ism Onnarnled Dishes. Chicken Pie Dishes, Soup Plates.Tea Prate. an extensive system of improvement by the Gene FOR THE HOLIDAYS, ITCfdiaaa I tank; Note Redeemed on most Eldorado potka F.litahethtovm.

N. J-. or Acrttf H. TANNER. Agent.

BuAaio, N. Y. Turreeos Covered Dianas, all of which will be sold at re caster, (which ia now completed to within 3, miles of do do favorable rates for Drafts or Currency, at the Canada Bank with 8 tttel AT JOHN BENSON fe CO' 8, 133 Maia street. Mansion ral Government. Octavio polka duced prices bv deett JOHN PATTERSON, 108 Main st.

tbe lariu) nason 11 a sannii piauc nouse, eooa new oara, ba large fruit trees, aud about 30 acres cleared. Apply at The styrian nalut polKa. ne tiueringof rrsiny iMasirtt-rt mi fl rnhnrnl The queatiea was finally postponed, aud the IT. V. Wn.I.I AMISWTiramnle al Agency, 19 Main street.

VHf ROBERT CODD. House Block. Confeetlonariee. Flora polka IH aiain street, under toe ratcuin nana. 10 dealer ia BOOTS AND SHOES.

Ne.ll Senate went into executive session; after a short TtklNTING The subscriber is nrenared to execute ft o. If retail II Main i A si A engravings. Hal leek' Poetical Works, Thompson' Seasons, Cowper Poems, volumes. Wreath of Friendship, del GUY H. HALUUUKt, Heal Estate Agent.

do do do do Preot. J. N. Beck. Concordia polka Trene polka street, EUieett Square, Bunalo.

The assorunent is comprised in part of tne following, orders for Steamboat, House, Sign and Ovnaineatal Fresh CarpetLnga for Fall Trade. aeneral renemi time spent therein, the doors were opened. QMr. Douglass submitted a resolution of inquiry TO RENT A two story Brick Dwelling ia asacstment of Gcnuemea's, Boot and Shoes, fines the Esstera Bridesmaid gallopade. Milton's roetieai worts, -rairy laiesof suay si, alt strictly fresh, manufactured expressly Ibr tbe Holiday, and ill be sold al less prices than any other alore in tbe Mimes' and Cfrildre Johnson' Park, at 93 a week, till 1st of Ma; HENRY GARRETT A CO.

ara now receiving, in ad Clement Fame's voung-t roetieai worts, ti amorous Annual, as to the retrocession of the vacant grounds ia the Three rooms, well calcinated lor a assail ramtiy. dition to their former Mock, the following aeirable Good: Painting and uecorating in general. Tbaakful for past favors, he will endeavor to merit 1 continuance.of patronage, by promptness, good workman' hip and liberal term, buffalo. Nov. 14, 16-19.

uolttf JOHN McNIEL, No. 0 Main st city. Chant National de Charles 6th. with variations. neman's roetieai works, aiaaing uaste to oe atien.

Vanilla Cream, Markets, and of his owa manufacture, conmuatly on hand. Boot and Shoes of every description made to order, ta the best ma oner, and warranted. Also, a general aasort-mcnt of Shoemaker Tool, of every deseriptioa. by Byron's Poetical Works, in ttie tory of a Brick Store on Main street, at SI 6U a week. steepiBgupApp Riches have Wii District or Columbia to the State of Maryland, which was adopted.

Suear Almond, Bagatelle sue ne tone hey pat a la Reine. -Le Carpcntier. Nocturn A ir I. Capuleui e. I.

Mouleccbi liertx. nurrur rueucai wonts, Moore's Poetical Works. Two rooms, each with besroom attached, ia the third -Rising ia the World. Burnt Almonds, Cocoaaut Cakes, Mr. J.

A- Lhx, of New York, ottered a resolu kjt xtootsttpped wita triiua rercna, aa enure aew ar storvof a Briek Store on Mam t- u. aw. vanay, amuciai rmi Star Candy, Cornucopias. Vatieagated Candy.Freiich Mottoes, Clove Candy. Common Mottoes, Peppermint Candy Toys, Leumn Candy, Sugar Heart, Losence.

-M kindsjuinbe Paste- Cowper' Poetical Works Token of Friendship, La Sumplicite a nocturne u. Barneu. ticle. A stand suitable tor a uroeery eiore, 00 MKnigan street. Fleurs Mekxlique to pieces veiny.

O. H. P. W. has Just received from New York, a Mi cnenpeaiuon, ns tower vase, f-Md VoltMne.

and a very odd Pore Flower, eiagant Tapestry Carpeting. Elegant Bruaseki do Ensitab lasuerial Three Ply, Eugltaci Supernne do Brasses and Damask Stair do Venetian do do and M-4 Druggets. Stair do Chsmlle and Tufted Rugs. Lapland, Cacoaaad Jute Mats. Curtain Materials.

Cbaat Bohemian. de Meyer. tion of enquiry in regard to any change required in the Consular system with China and Turkey, which was also adopted. jtiaax FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF eJSBONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, PLUMES, received at WOODWARD'S BONNET ROOMS, No. 150 Main street, (up stairs,) en trance opposite Gothic HaB.

IT Bilk. Satin, Plash and Velvet Bonnet, Hoods, Ac, saaile nrrler. OcMtf will be rented nntri 1st May, anacentsa weeK also, several room in the same building for families. Naehtlaseria Granada. Beyer.

bouts aju shoes, arnica aa oners oa terms a any establishamat ia the city. Peanot Cakes, Rose Drop, Violet Drops, Chocolate Drops, Cinnamon Drops, Clove Drops, Jackson Rolls, Swt Snc'dChoc'lte, Four brick dwelling houses on bicnange street, two Hope waltz for 4 baads. T- B.D. Cdrieh. Nine Easy Duetts for two violins.

Datnrw. one it too. nonquet ot riowers, Shakapeare's Works, Fable ot Flora, Ivory Card Cases, richly Flora' Album, mounted. Token of Affection. apslif AcreeaU to previous notice, Mr.

Johnson asked stories, with basem*nt, ready tor occupancy at iaw a Torpedo Mottoes, Kaunas, Cinnamon Candy, Citron, inter vr'n Candv.Fias. year. "A jfARBLE WORKS FIERONG, CLEVELAND or saieat zuu main st. nec 1 1 iw. a.

N. B. Instruction given in Tenacfs Bystem of Cut and obtained leave to bring in a Bill, which was read the first and second times bv unanimous con a ttricic uotraer. containing Danor. ainins room, sai Linon urona.

efBaf- Velvet Card Cases, richly Eaniniage of Gems, XvX at CO. would respecuuiiy insormtneetu: MUSICAL CO. ting Mom iwesses. Peppermint Drops, Bassaft-aa Candy, Bolt Shell Almonds, mer kitchen, cellar, rive bedrooms, with closets, tfce. Rent Figured and Plain Turkey Red Chintz, wllb Cord, falo.

and the public generally, that they have opened Tlu .1 1, Mn.i. li eelehmterl fVimnnnv mas 1 XTrtttll The subscriber has a large quantity of Sea Sanish Candy, Rose Candy, Paper Shell do sent, and referred to the Committee oa Public Lands. It related to certain grants of land to MarbleShop io Buffalo, where they are readv to do an kind of work in the line of their bosinesa. Haviae pro be found at JAM ES D. SHEPPARDS Piano Forte and soned Hard Wood, which be will sell and deliver lilt 11 May, a month.

Three new Brick Dwellings, two ttorics. besides Base mem, with eiaht rooms, will be ready for tenants ia Jauu uraid manny, ttnoy Basnets, Music Store. 466 Main street. No. 1 Kremlm Block in Quantities to suit purchasers; or will sell on his place.

FsutcF Goods audi Toys. cured a stock of the very beat Marble la market, they are Louisiana, for internal improvements. monntra. The Beauties or estos. Tortoise Shell Card Cases, a Morris' Melodies, very nice article.

Will is Sacred Poems, Wallets, Porte Tlie Ladies' Annual. Cigar Cases, Tnr Lady of the Lake. Pocket Inkstands, Od i 1- etnw Offering, Gold Pen, with gold and Go' isniii n' Poems, Spring Sparrow Polka, ar- Styrian Salute Polka, mrm iw. till lt aisv. SMI a month.

two ad one half mileseastof the city, oa Rata via atreet ready to manufacture Monuments, I omc aad Grave Stones, Gold Feus. Tassel and Border to match. White Drapery Muslina. in acts and by the yard. Gilt Cornice.

Extra fine Whitney Bed Blankets. Extra fine Cradle do Imperial Quilts. Eiaboaiedaad Worsted Piano and Table Cloths. .1 Suner Enaiiab and German Table Oil Cloths. Mr.

Jtteolon was excused from serving as chair A hrieasnop, raneeu ay xtniza, zvnioraiio routa. Good Humor Polka, do Irene Polka. plank road, Otttce No- apaulding's Exchange, deetf 8. V. R.

WATSON. man of tbe Military Committee, and Mr. Jefferson Silver Pencils, China Inkstands. other assnnmcuiring buawesa, tuag central, will oe rens- itieAMUf. Malrmen Pol ha.

Hyacinth PoHta, arranged by Davis was substituted in his place. It was then rr-iIIE SUBSCRIBERS Aeents for the Boston liver cases. liii" nmplete wortrs. Hair Brushes, Fancy Boxed. Paper Weights.

Motto Wa Flora Polka, Gongl, Concordia Polka. Sounds from home Waltzes, Tapie Tops, Bisntet ciecea, ac ac From their experience in tbe bnsiae, tney feel eonfl-dent that they will be able to compete with any tsttUnh meat or the kind west of New York, either ia price or finish of their work. Person wisrurig any sf trie above vrork will please call at their Shop. No. West Bwss mreet, Buffalo.

deel 1JF Hat Brushes, China Vases, 8 kinds, China Cnp and Saucers, China Tea Seta, Earthen Tea Sets, Wood Tea Sets, Pewter Tea Sets, Glasa Tea Sets, Vases of Flowers, farcot a two starynoose on vnippewa street, ikiiii i.v aouara rooms and two liedrooms, with cellar. Rent 1 38 Belting Company, are prepared to furnish Belting. Pen and Pocket Knives, Alabaster Paper Weights, Alabaster liOCkets, moved that wben the Senate adjourn it be till 1 A very larqe aaaortmeut of Painted Floor Oil Cloiba, Hose or Packing of their mahufactnre, of any size or de ter. in sheets and fancy boxes. Prayer Books.

Album, a great variety and dinerentaize. Poc ket liiariea, dinevetit Saratoga Congress Water do arranged by GMngI, aweeK. Apply at i main uuoer me rmcnui aaK, 1 uesday, which was agreed to, and the Senate tc, fee. ocis Main, tsunawv Alabaster Paper Weights, tj tteie uui a. oAbiDtiUK stem cstam Agent.

cription, at Boston wholes-tie prices, no additional char 3 for transportation: accordingly adiourncd. voauao roiaa, 1 i i ojo Bonne Amite, Jubilee Overttutvdo sizes, a great saany eutar article wtiicn are not bm-b-tionedrn this advertiremeat. ah of which wilt sesatd Alabaster Lockets, Alabaster Inkstands, XTEW PICKI.EO AND SMOKED SAL' Hocsk. I he members met at noon, when tne Gntavia PoHta. nowM erfKUitu ac tl.M.i., tgents, so main si- at BUBIlE's, under tne ftl innan House, man at 1M MON Connecticut No.

Shad, No. 1 Mackerel, in Tea Bens, new style. tird Cnsest kinds, Besides the Music of the celebrated Flaw 1st, "-Warn-ice Speaker resumed his seat, and called to order. FLANNELS FLAN Fi ELS A fust rate as- any other establishment ir, this -city. Call and tee for Segar Case, fine and eom'e, China Mug, assorted.

THE EHPORJUn OF FASHION. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. II1BBARD Jr. TORR VBiCE, fit' wkosclie. who is snid to excel De Meyer and ethers bow barrel and harvest No.

1 Herring, in barrels-. Pickled and SinOKed do, WbiteSsh, for sale by Praver was then offered up and the journal read sonuieiiA. ouumiHiua oi ubs niic mum. yourselves. deVniOm Glass Maes, assorted.

neel Bags, a uuseountrv. This Music is not crowded with the in Common Wool and Dometdot 3 bale Red do, of allaual Mr. John A. Rockwell, of moved deio K. 11 a KvtKka E.;,-zt main st. surmountable difficulties which are aeneraliy found in the Steel Purses, Steel Purses, 1 rf CITF LOTrV-still reawiaiBgtnnmln. most '1 iJU ly situated in the Fourth Ward. an Baiavia, William, Benuetl, Walnut and Hickory streets, for sale oa sts years credit. The first Instalment may be paid at the end Of two years.

If desired by the ptirefmnrr. all the brick, hemlock and ash lumber, required to erect building oa aaid lots, will beuirnwlied on a cm! it of one yrsr. For farther particn-hvs inquire at No. JA Bpaulding' i Fjcbsrige not XT s. Y.

R. WATBON. itiea and price; alto, a good assortment of Yellow and Salisbury Flannels, of the fined qualities. The above ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED WORKS i-f satTABtji msa -1- -f. i to take up the private calendar.

Mr. Cobb, of Save removed their extensive stock of CIAJTU3. FUR- composition ot great nam sts, rxit ta arranged in a orn Uant and olessinettvle. LONDON SAUCES-Joha Bun, anin and Victoria Sauce. Mushroom Catsup.

Pepper Saace. Pick Steel Beads, all sizes. Pewter Mugs, assorted. Eng. Work Boxes, Ladies Companion, Fancy Boxes, IS kinds.

Pocket Books, SO kinds, Aceordeons, 10 kinds. Georgia, opposed it, when the question was taken tkristinas and -Neir Gift goods are all oi recent purchase, ana win ee sold at a tn fling advance from cost. Also New pieces bv Herz, tie Meyer, Kosseiin. Beyer led Coeambers and London Mustard, in bottler, arc. Purse Twist, all kinds, Purse Rinirs.

bv yeas and nava, and decided in the athrmative. maHlNGfl and READY-MADE CLOTHING, to the New Store, No. 7e Lloyd street, at ia intersection with Main street, where they are receiving ami will keepeon-atantlv on hand a rreat varwtr ot CLOTHS. CAS8I- and otriers, sre niat received axray store. R.

HARGREAVE LEE, -a71 Main st Also A tew nieces uaunecticut uinneia still remain Purse Tassels. Tbe House accord in el resolved itself into BREED'S dei4 jAnca ii. cnnrrAKii. 1 fi Toaetber with 500 kinds more, too numerous to mention ingon band. Tba reputation of these goods and their sunerioritv over aav other article, is now too well estab Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, Mr.

McClelland, of Michigan, in the Chair, Catalogue oi Elcraat Books for the lolidajt; FRESH M. R. RAISINS-In layers, very 6ne fot table use-, also, Hultanna Raisins, Zante Cur tanta Prunes, Figs, Dates, Citron, for iale by HOLIDA7 OIFTS. MERES, VEtlTINGti, which they otter to the nuhli. rhnn.

and in the latest Btvtes. nere. Cannes. lished to reauire aav farther recommendation. For sale ks: -UMBRELLA PARASOL MAN 4EkVUFACTORV M1LUNOTON At BROTHER snXnr have rust iiiLJe4anouisMpror tatof Uatbtet- Just received bv Express, at SIBLEY'S.

JEW ULBY at manufacturers prices ny tne sunseriuor. wno wsoie For salt at 1 Mat street. Granite Slock, Bffalo. and took np for consideration sundry private Mils, dels K. ItAHUSbAVb Busby.

Alphabets oaBI'kt, Their Establishment is one of tbe most perfect GENTLEMEN'S WAREHOUSES in West agent for this city. Term Cash, on delivery of the goods. STORE, 163 Main street, a rich assorunent of New and ea, has of aH kinds and sizes, from their ainnutacsjry. which the Committee soon after rose and reported Improvement, Chessmen, Historical A muse- JOHN C. MONTGOMERY, SW Main St.

NTHVK MARTIN MUFFS AN I delC ern New York, and where an arociMOC iness aaajpneren, ANNUALS AND GIFT BOOKS FOR 49. Peter Puzzle wig. Dominoes. meut Cards, which they will teU cheap for cash singly or by tbe dozen, Main street, ocmoiw tne Ctiwhe. no Hadeof the Baa msdestots, and aecordinc to twrTnost ap progress upon.

Fastuonable JEWELRY, suitable for Lauies or Gende-men. consisting iu part of Rich Cluster Fins, Bracelets, Ear Rings. Finger Rings. Gold Pencil and Fen Cases. MARYLAND SOAP STONE CO- The Gem of Beauty, Muluplieattoo, VICl'ORlNES TO MATCH A very beauti-I ful set of Fur, and at very low prices lower 'and better than be had elsewhere, at the Fur proved fashioM.

The service of the taost eiperienaed Gemot the Season, Christian Keepake. nice, visiting uaras. Dissected Maps. Motto Cards, 1 he Mouse then adjourned. ltX Stone Griddles, Funnel Blocks, etc.

for sale at re Leaaet ot Memory, Silver Card Cases, Napkin Rings, Gold Guard Snd Vest BONNET WAREROOMS WM. FOOD WARD, Importer and manufacturer at Old Soldier, What do ye buyf DUDLEY GO'S. T. J. dacts pries, at Rom or Sharon, do Card.

CUTTERS have been Ready-Made ciotMiur ne mow laze, rt i fHoreof dels A. A. HALL, 156 Main at. 103 and 105 Main st. Hvacisth, iei4tr rraww rnnti AsnBeial Flowers aad Ribbons.

Ma. Buildina Blocks. Backeam'n Boards. GctilenXgg, fTIEAS FRESH. FRAGRANT AND PURE Yonng unains, iota i mmtses, silver sua nncn txmitis, nucsies.

Slides, LocketK, Necklaces, Silver and Plated Ware, Bouquet Holders, Fancy Articles. Ac, and selected ex Iteepiake of Friendship, la greai variety, constaaUy on hand, and for rale at prices Uvson. Old Bvson. Imperial. Gunpowder.

Hysea Amaranth, Tbe Pearl. niTV LOT FOR SAEE Will be sold cheap for 8 BALES HEAVY RED TWILLED FLANNELS Just received and for sale low. kae Maia street, up nairs entrance opposite Gothic Hsu. Milliners and ldescbanu axe hriied to call aad examiBe Lotto, i ft i Picture Alpnatiets, ises. Taeethar with a eornnleta iwlllinent of all kind unri cash, a tot fronting on Delaware street, a few foet Skm, Poucbory.

Odloog, Ningyong, Powchoo Orange to suiu Asenev of Bract's American and Euroiiean Fashions. Pnvs nnd Ptunnsv. The citizens of BufJalo. and par- Also a bales fine Bad Twled Flaanehi. by the niece.

ELEGANT POETICAL WORKS, AC. this mock of tpethamhenr the arices hefore jBtrcJiasIng pressly tor tnecoannguullslnlABABiAi.AKrV xiAt. Tee Mock i now the largest and best in the city, and will north of tbe Johnson Cottage, 34 feet front by 199 feet deep. atmanamcturers' prices, st 14 Webster Block. ticulary those that wish to purchase caean, are requested Title indisputable.

Inquire of S. H. LATHROP, at the be aold at the lowest possible prices. deUleodiaa 7 Grateful Ibr past patronage, the subscribers solicits continuance, pledging themselves to be prompt with all acta basiii nrbui. to ve JUHa BcutBun ax uu.

are cau. otrm declStf Counting Room of this office. TO LET A Brick House ta Johasoa's Park. and nowery reaeo. Phe above Teas can be bad in half chests, or boxes of a variety of sizes, and packed in the Company's usual style of i and 1 ft packages, in tin foil, air tight.

Conees of every variety, green or fresh roasted, daily, by the has or at retail. NO. 200 EXTRA STOCK OF JEWEL ADIES DRESS SLIPPERS Thi day nntil 1st My, rent R3 a week. Aply at Maia an Ht ATa ai AA fx AT ALAGA GRAPES A fewjkes for tale tow by Gifts for the Holidays I 11. D.

AUSiSLAJIC. Brysm' Poetical Work, Turkey fill. Ixingfellow' -do do Halleck's do do Milton's do do Illustrated. OoldwDiuV do do do Thomson's Seasons, do do Cowner's Foesre. KI, SILVER WAKE ANlt FANCY GOO US, XaU v.

nwu. J.VX itelo am rn, 142 Main st. lUEBlKSBLK rUK AT BARNUhTS Great Varietv Store is crowded frill of Gifts opened a superior article ot nmca rrencn b.h stip-perv direct from New York city manufacture, of new styles of finish, at the del HARTFORD STORE. Main st. T.

STEPHENSON A. CO. bee to call the at TWINE'Pinerent sizes and Spices, whole or ground, warranted pore, to be had only GAS STOCK for which at cent cash wiH be Mid. Armtv to CARS THE eKAFENltEHU COMPABfY for tlie Holidays, suitable for youth, the middle aged anal tention of their friend and the pontic to their very larse TT qualities, for sale by del Wit. SMrTH'B, 149 Main street B.

A. MANCHESTER, dec IS (nemos ab are iXfcm ei ao exaantne trie bsjck, ana particularly the prices, bciorn nnrchasing. These are at tne HEW YORK CANTON TEA COMPANY. IS Main sc unytH setoiej Toner pit. StOCk Of- A ITJHKS, ItrCtt JKWliI.X.

Bl VER AVARE AND FANCY itaWe for PICES Nuaness, Cloves, Mace, inger, ground and ao orks. Milton. Young, Shaktpeare'Wi Byron's i Hereby give notice that they have made arrangements with i the publisher of Tn WasTsan Woblb" to supply the race; Caraway Seed. Pepper. Aslsntee.

Cayen Pepuer Holiday rrorents, aswaa wKchatay as lound very supe- LONDON AND PARIS FANCY DRY GOODS AND SHAWL WAREHOUSR. SMMAIH LINSEED OIL bow good innsed Od for sale eheaptor eaah, mclcneeonsirsnienm, by 3 nee id 7 GEO. B. WALBR1DGE Ac CO Maia at. do do grr Agents wanted for the sale of the Company Teas in everv village, town and city.

A liberal discount ar. the greatest profusion -h Work Roses, Rich Chins Inkstands, Fancy wood A paper Card ReeeinetB, rmuna DpftkK- Cuds and SaMCera. and cntnaataa, tor ale by Moore and Scott' do of the Company with that excellent paper, in pursuance of that arrangement the undersigned hereby of-. ae.utllv inaanseci as follows: ei hAKWKLAVb fyvjtERT The subscriber respectfully in form test Ladies lowed. aorta rfIR MAI 78S acre of Land 11 miles be- that ne will nave readv lor inspection on monaav.

JUtn Aceordeons. ereat varietv. Secar Stands, Flower Vases. ADIES FINE GAITERS A fresh supply Rverv nerson who purchase ahv one article of Med- TjREMIUH STRAW CUTTERS Machinery jnttantvoae of the most extensive and richest assortment iowTonawaada-and one mile from Niagara River. radian Worksof all kinds.

Twlet Bottles, Needle Book. rior Gold Watches, ot Ute riest AaooB sod Laverpool makers, Dian-ond Rings and Pins, Gold Thimbles, very heavy and richly embossed Cart) Cases, of Silver, Pearl sad Shew, of various kinds. Coral Bracelets. Fins, RiBgs, Clasps, Armlet and Necklaces, Gold Pens and Pencil, of all sizes and qualities; two oieudid tela of Pearl and Garnet Weak, neatly put cm iu morocco eases; totd Boek- X- ot the oaeet new York tin manuiaeture, just recet faeute dnring the year, either of the Company or any of its of Fancy Ury Good, taaawls, Cfoaka. Frenen Millinery, About 30 acres of the above laad mender a stats a.

which takes the first Pretauun at the N. Y. State Fair, the American I ami uus, and the Worcester County veJ by Railroad at the Fine Gold Feaetts. ail aires. Rich Cnd Cases, Fine Gold Riaas.

Fins. Ice. Portemoonaies for Ladies. ever onered tor sale in minaio. 1 ne latest intporia Ajcfits, ia thereriy eonstitutcd subtenber to 1 sas Wdilv' without farther oeis ttAKxruKii sruitt, atw main tt.

njotlNSON. EaieAnMnnikHagB, Ho. ISO Maia su eat, ap suurs. Fide Sh'i Side As Vk Couib. Watch Cases.

Book Marks. non per uteamer Niagara, oct WM. L- JAMES Tkl.alltI.nNG this dav -eesatf- 'k snow, ror sale by T. C. PETERS sr BROTHER, deeiatf Corner Wtdangu and Exchange ns.

le and Slides, lor lsuies -sens, a vnrieiy i rat terns; oru- Fine Sewing Basket, Carved Chessmen, ftota Rl Poets and Poetry of America, gilt. Prose Writer of America, gilt. N. P. Willi' Poems.

Voung Ladies' Oder tug Irving' Sketch Book, a i Oneriug of Beauty. Scenes ia the Lite of Our Saviour. Scenes ia the Live of the Apostles. Mrs. Sigourney Poems.

Miss Landon' Poema. Mr. Heman' Poema. Reed's Female Potts af America. Mm.

Norton's Poema, Leish Hani's Poema. at i atain iinrl. aa assortment ofafl wool Plaid DTEAH BOILER FOR sALB- Steam Boi- sd. AH the General and Local Agents of the Graefen-. i terg Company are hereby antherised- to anneunee the above arrangement? and to send as many aubaevibes aa tney may choose under H.

The Western World will beyond a doubt be one of the lanmof the nnest renca trante, tot avemng irre, very kesutifuL i Long Shawm, which are offered for nlc 36fpcr cent cheap DATENT CLOTHES DRYER A very use- ler, 3 fcet in diameter, 13 feet 3 inches long, with er trtaa bmusi. net tv. a. PAPIER MACBE GtXDS Amtntcrst whH-h is a very WaxDolm and Heads, to-rjah pev sett, Rich Fire Bereens, partly Backgammon Rosren, Imished.witk the mater' Is, Reaatifut Hand Mirrors, Setmot superior Razors, Papier Macbe, Dressed Dolls, all sizes. Card Baskets, FRESR ARR1TAT.

AT Z7f KREMLIN STORES W. A. GILBERT would respectfully announce mbi friends and the citizens generally, that he has jus reuirned from New York with a fresh supply of SnasoBabie Dry Good, which be will aeB at prices that cannot but suit sll. CsB sad examine. declR superb Centre Table, beauufullv psiated.

aad inlaid with JL lul aud compact article, for sale by T. C. PETERS Ac BRO, dec 9atf Corner Washington and Exchange sts. T' jostorigraal ana intereatin papers ever puotmriea. ut- 'Ail Hi IaBS, MOTTOES Cheaperthan any otb UUU er estavisbment in this eiiy.

at 13t Main st. nucs. Alio, mi mace ront and standing ripe tot sans Boiler has been used 4 or 3 years, and is in good order. JOHN NEWMAN at Phenii Iron Works, dei 8 Daytou nreet, foot of Main, Bufiiuo. Pearl, probably the only article of the kind ever brought Ibm with a snbsertption list ot great rnagnituae, wmi 1 CMIdrens Worsted Coats, Luton's senuiae Ferfamery.

Bovrr J- Bisnsajw ac vt. doubt be read by, more person than any paper in the 1 Afifi CORDS ROOD WOOD For sale at to tui euy, ana must ne re to appreciated we shall open it tonus row Also A plead ui Writing Desk sad Portsbitos, of the same Bnuertal and finish. Gloves. Neck lies. Gaiters, -a ich rurses.

and all tM ItVU PRlTCHARiPav VVLMJU tAKU, oa tne T7RENCH KID GLO'RS-New tot of the best WM. H. i BEE BE HATS UakHB. siirvYAstu bak i uh. sec'y.

Omce of the GraelHtberg Company. 5a Broadway. N. Y. WINTER HATS Witl bs an Teniiysoo' Forms, two Baby Jumps r.

cesnary trioiminr for their dot Ihrlf epaaed Terrace. Price to suit the I X' rressui am openea at sireisi mi Biores. STTIfanr York Bonnet Store, on Monday. Gentleman in want of a reaB eleaaa Hauase invi hern. TABLE SILVER A large stock aa hand, of pore com BeautHui Biro utses.

nwnvaiaerare. Coral aad Awher Beads. Fine and common Pocket del- w. A. UlLILItl tsd to examine the asaoaraeat ioM received from the euality.

of Spoons, Forks, Knives, ladies, lamia. Shov yisVa select amortnayit of WINTER DRESt) HATS. vtiAsit.eB m. rt.i tienerai Agniu 1 OC31-4 Commercial Building. Hone's rutins EUiefs Poems.

Poetry at the Heart. Himm. am IknsltpUAnr. above celebrated establishment, at tbe Hat and Fur Store els. Fath and UUUt-r Katveai ail at very Vow- prtcen, with forLaaiesaBd Obndrsn.

Fancy PenBoider A Heals, Ctrtlery. -i' Worsteds juilendid natterns. Ilobbv Horses. stzesi SARAH SARGEAsTT. LATH au.eue Sawed Lath.

1 iach wide ay 1 thick, a 6 rat rate article, for sale by ot del THOMAS RABSRTT, Main t- try Riaim nnd Praver noeks. Miniattrre Poem snd Ju 8piadid Dreaa Crooda for the EoLidays. Ctrret KREMLIN STORES Osisg mtheadvsmced Ait 4 Ait reason, the subscriber is induced to oner bis Good at a greatly reduced pries. Those who wane elegant Cashmere aad Delaines, can be suited a to style aad pries dseit THOS. G.

PERKINS. BUFFALO Oil. STORE. PLATED eescriptioa, quality and Fire Stand Sena, Royn" Sieighs, beantifulry dee uco. A.

nuuus at tx main st. QLIP IN TJNITARrAN ClTORCIieaaant. BUSHELS OF TIMOTUY SEED i nrtRI venile Books, miecied cxinly for the Houdaya, for sale nrtee. 1 'This rud Eatsnliatiment Is eontiaaed av-ths subscriber. 1 JJ Backs of Feathes.

kj lysrtnated, wen tarntsneo, wia he sold at anargaia 5 Sfci 1st ASHMERE GLOVES AND HOSE AU BRITANNIA WARE In seta hint by ne piers, of atlownneea. 'jr' 11 Us Ctnr Tooacen. for cash, or exchanged sjr ury uood, Groceries er Hari at No. a Mais street. Blossom tqur, where may belutd all tinirs.

the very sest and parent OILS sold la the qaaluiesy at fa, nt v. axis, tor, xea maiaw. aa aamm emt Pwamm, Tahle an ware. Dixon and other mstei 'with every article apertaiBuig ta the business aH of which we -shall be very hapDT to inquire Hilvw Flatee Spooas, psiatiM1 --Rattan Wagon for parlor. Saws and Buck lor use.

cbaim, with ockra. Toy Stoves aad Kitcuea, Large In. Carriaaes. Steamf Noah' Arks, Tops, boats, OmniriBmr. ttc.

Grace. Bauledoors. Maeic ar Sand Toys. Knives and Forks. oete vt a. main si. rOOD CALICOES FOR SIXPENCE A. A. HALL, 136 Main St. delf State.

is stock consists of the foiww ma: uriSTTKR HTRA1NEDPPEBM OIL. SILVER TEA SETT. -l What caa be store valuable or desitB VX Eiaht cants, ten cents, and one slulli show to our friends snd those Isenngtsiwrtnaeaifcat UTOOLEN SUCKS -90e doz. Woolen Socks, Fornalsby sswhk JASON PARKER. "VOlINO LADIES Tease your Beasxa, and stake sreinlin deeSz THOS.

G. PERKINS, TUB UIX JEWELKT ESTABUKMSIKFi BLEACHED WINTER STRAINED SPERM OIL, IV larse sues and weU knit, for sale tow by the dozen. ble for a Cbrmtmas or New Year resesit. LADIES FOOT MtJFFS These comfortable and necessary article for Ladies who wish to keep their ieet warm and comtoiS nM i i Mt.wtMmttsL buy voa a ReufoB of FRUN them Transparent Blatss, Earthen. China.

Pewter and at14 abater Block than the pure Silver. At SIBaJsi-b JEVTRLRY STORE. li-X Maia street. MARCY at WELCH. BEAUTIFUL CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS For Presents, for ale by dee T.

G. PERKINS. KremKa. WHY-CIO TO CALIFORNIA I labte.caa be had only at uie ur store or A. A.

HALL, 158 Main rt. rAtli eroAio vim BLEACHED ELEPHANT OIL. WINTER BLEACHED WHALE OIL. WINTER LARD TANNERS AND CURRIERS OIL." tm J2IRLES ia every strhrof bindm. incHMiing Velrnt T4LUE OAITEHS A htantifuf attiei.

this asofq- dels can bow be seen the most magnificent and elaborate worked SILVER TEA Boxes of Toys, ah sizes. Wood Tea Setts. Doll and doll Bodies, Cedar Tubs. Paks, Dolls Heads of China, Wax, Magnetic Toys, WoaVi and cooimoa. JHooey Banks, Gaiues, Puzzles, Drums, Paint Boxes.

Globes. Rjaiirlina: Blnrk. WBe4hmrannra- inm. II nnd Turaev. with an wwrmm fcota tn XJ last osened at las f' 1 dele HARTFORD STORE.

3 Maia st. the weH known Oxford edition ot the BUS, at leB thaa OARPETlNGSn HOf SE-FHRNISH BKTT amrm asii in aad W3 N4FT1CE D. N. BARNEY A -CO. have tetnoved their Office tar lbs Winter to No.

4 atenshan' Ea-ebange. iec4tUebSl ed La naaiUv on aa coin. The While tbe purest qnality of Gold and Sirver, can he found at let Maia mreet, in abundance. The combined ineennity of France, Germany aad Switzerland, and the Aruan of oar nrt eountrv have heea mid tntdar INU GOODS At per cent, leas thaa aav ether NBATSFOOT rrti. jus tt.i-LINSEED OIL.

BOILED UNSKRn rsll GiOiflowers sad Pipoins. for priest, ta axtrs Mnning. mom asets a BUTLERS' OOKSTORE, t-y. MBMaiasL nauera aad oesum has received Ibe pta- Alohabet Horns. Harmoniaa Ac Mace sae city, new isnoiajg -del a N.

B. PALMER'S. 1M Main st. ant nv ue oarrei. bv mitua at tbs Great Aasericaa lantitme Fair, ia tbe city af ClPKRH AND STAR CANDLES Also Varnish, japan spirits turpentine.

del GEO. MOORE Jk COWMain sc New York. It will be disposed of at Hew York cost, C5 Bleached Werner Spenn Oil, Elephant ana rvnaie Willow Toy Cradles, German Toys in andleas v- n.rieti. Children' Bureaus. tribute of tne roost fastidious, aad VitarBis, rrivtis, LAMP jsLASast.

e. I AG ARA' A AN Seventv-rive ahares of stock ia the above Compcny pax Rlutl per shara tor sale by tba subscribe for cash, or derzS GEO. GAGK. TsRIED PEACHES A Pftea, Raspkcrriea, Black Chi. for sale by PAPER SHELL ALMONDS-Jusr received by Radioaa.

very Biee and fresh, for sale by derM 7 H. H. ALLEN DER. Rat Maia st. have also aimed to Mend the aserul Also just opened, Phued snd Britannia Cofiee Urns mod Tea Sett.

A call is respectfully requested, decatzeontaa nerries, stc sx. tut saw ov with the ornamental. Their hand OT. JOHN'S CIHIRCH-Few No. with the GEO.

The assortnteat as not surpassed iauiiseUy. and the prf'' ees shall ria every case he as lew. Purchasers svonid find' Unuiehmtheir interest to make their selections betarethe work much souent for at this PORT ANT TOSURVEYORS, AND KNGtN KERB Tbe auhsenfaers havina rfceea wiu se eteimngea mr real estate. Aiipiy to detif G.IL. W11J30V.

Otkio sc Silk I Vj Oxtures for sale, inquire oi son of the year: in view of tbe an- TJLACK SILKS Some of the Clteapcnt Rlnck fl an imnoned. trom to 4B inches widn. with 1. M. KENDALL.

1 deranht THRESH TKAS-Okt Hyson. Yotutg Hyton, Boa- -d -j-ciMoney win be remnoee. 1 deStfcf. M. ff eve of tne Holiday, thereby avoiding the inconvenience of Holidays, aad we have ken especial pains to select Mitabie apuuiBttd Assmm aw tha tats rnetps ot wwney vevina sad Eniaaeerrng Iati an nm.

wiH haaseoati ntiy i nnn hams and shoulders 1 UjVlVll tm. Bams and CMOOS BjSH tOtUBJ, KJ law wy 4wlvT MaiaK. the great vnsn on raw swsb twaity non ami ry and scarlet, Mareealiae Sewing. Frinacs, Gimps, Ac, saitable fox Maatilia. at 3 Mam st.

oei SB WELL BROTHER. tTBv. Osorood'a In all a 1 PEWS FOR SALE Nos. and 108 ia the Fimt Preabytrrian. and 4t)aad B9 in the North rVesreteriaa Church.


goods, to ret tne nest tne nsrw atwma, ana saen as earn wwsaaisaj with COBtidsjlCSL. m. tar nleat Bmaafaelarr ptieea, by tjetcrrom Cincinnati, una, torsaie mayial GBO. AJ MOORE 4c KK IB Main at. ft Thetuah reputation gained by this vatIUfaierocdictne has I given rise to a laree aumber ofiparioaa compounds which COFFEES Old Goveraairnt Java, Uran, Forto Rico, BcDonnnga, Ground do, toe sale by Ma-m SHI Main street- GntA WMrhm.

Gnnrd. Rikaat vest tjnaras. uiaatono Both HOTCHKISS at txx, xas Btamss. CI ILVRR COMBS Bamr new partrm WANTED 1 a CoekcT Stora a Yoaag Maa who dele su HAsuaAAra ua, -mi aTi ed, which wiH besoid a sedncsd pnce, by Rings and Pins. Gold Spectacles.

Bi sulci. Bouquet Holders. Silver Tea and Table Spoons, snd Bead Purses, MARTIN MITFFS-Sa- -TTAIiiSSW xrvngnnm STONE SIrGARS-cNaarra Ciiadiul. Powdered aad Co Bee Also PmmRico. Mustsi sdni, BTswOrtesms and Btowa holA GEO.

GAG VOk AStsaeea st. caa wrutea nur nana, enquire or 1 t- a mwammaaaaaw ir i- i. w. i i am OPERSE CANDLES Tallow Oaadtes. fastim.

kjoatafofaa. neware an wam lurmpa to deceive bv aa asaumed title. To baptize with a Christian nanse does per mrm any JOHN PATTERSON. MB Maiat derM J. C.

MONTGOMERY, to Main terssf. has -am Keocules, Gold Tnsinw, miver ana sean xmia lessen, ntenx wis hardly iiLttmsi foexunsBawcwmds. TOOKt FDR PRKSESTr AuIl i a targe variety 1 koth-nsrfitl aad orasswiiisJ artteles. aui- Hons, Haraess. Top Buggy and rmc umiiihb autre for Da, Osswoa'a CaUagu and take ao XJ ineludinit all Ur Annuals, nelliug at low price, at SALE A IS Cutter, axe.

and win therefore only add that it will afford us ante table lor ttoiKtay u-jts, irntca ne trotnawvimonii AertS Barley, (round Rice, Oat Msnl ptner. aI NTEW muxa to exhibit our nwetnuMrze at tne xdoies ami WINTER LAMPIOILSa-of hem euaJ.fen. eoatprimn Bienehed Sperm, atural w- OBO TRUSCOTT. ia. tion ot Boren mar ra -j 2 HOLLISTEm fc CO.

1, itlemea of our city, and if they boy1 them we shsM be i for sale by decae T.AM. BUTLER'S, lak) Maia at. SHOP ROOM WITH STEAM POWER TO RENT A part of the eM White Lead Fastnry, Having recently saaae ome araaoH to tne atocae-f Saerm. titmKhed Wuxer Kietiaai, hieacbed Wv HARGRKAVS LEB, 171 EXTRA FINK BUFFALO ROBES A tnmh ssumly just received, snrne very eteeaiitly Irn-td tail li inir.l also Wnlf snd nrr Weigh Robe for nM mack arauned: ml wm do not succeed the way is OMESTIC FIaANNEL In any, quantity. Just Fancv (oods.

he is prepared to oner aa aor-soe-at equal iu M. Whale. JMencbed Reaaed VViaue, bar aaie wh try agam, and endeavor to merit a corn inmarr of the rHI be rented tor a term of ism, la- wiM be street. aay other us uus eny. stec! I Xnat nrie I Af OLASSES Porto BseevHesj, Orlean asst-Star jlj received at 8, kreiuim fcturcs.

decrlt THOS, te; PERKTN9. i Jr 7i WM. KETCH Fur Store, ee GUEXTHEK At STEVENS, W3 Main sc. wi tmiL tea aale wr i quire oa tne premi at Maia at. PHILO ALLEN, 14 Maia Wt derl A r.

vie am fToliaayyreaentB TTDsaFS Aaothee tot of these ewra deep bor Bt. HEDAR HITCHIKU POSTS Roads MSWJ AT Those desircm of aukrne ItoHdae Fim ills- snttail tn HTOVE MARTIN VICTTORINES GRADf BAGS A lot of very nenvy twiiiesl Grain mass. lust received oa coosnrninent and for nle low NEW t3QODS HOTCHKlig 4s. CO. having reeewtly letuiBen from Jjew Vy tne sale at the t'rT YaidVcorner MiagaraaiMl Pearl XX "dered tttotnu atst oecneov v.

j.j.ZZZ mir TKOft. O. KRKfNS, the season. Witt nnd the largfnt aisoi um ul ofrteh Lad-rs AND WRIrTTLt i Ji A LMOS DS-Soft ShetL- Paper Bhell, acsl BheHed; A Filkerts. tttuu Mats.

for ssje by r. i. aiawtsft. Ui nV.n aTmnvn I nil awajn mL-1 a JOHN T. NCTV -nwelfsoS W.

stO-tVWUSBw Martin vnrx. are Mr nrenared mo noes -an mmmcn Fnrs ever cjnerea in mis city, at sue Mam Minn, inckulnis Asent for the MsnnUImseis. su3 7 avis aa. P. nr.

a.jt.J" 31 Wular enstomer and the poWic aeneral COTTAGE TO RENT Center Seventh Bil-set-of Moos. Vh-aortnes aast Wrhmtets. ta Btotm Mar- W'jinUct to nouch. at the For 'Store er i WN rTlt HUM, Mass SL pi ANO FORTE TO RENT Mew and ia food sMROCERIES A eat CmAa jsik and Caroliaa inquire at me Lntber Ofucn derU iy. new and desirable Goods of every vansty.

on as sa-vorabie taramas any one ia their ha. A xaU is.reiperi vji inraatcs; ia rear ot the tXnrehen. GEv a. MOORE at CO. TjHR SALE CIIEAP tsttms Coarss and Fine i Middlings.

rtimr trots Brentford Mills. Canada West. aolK rtOliENOL'GH fc CO. tia, ritcn, Lynx Eraame. Biberiaa nV-airrei aad st-er rieh Futsw- Also, Down Victorines, Tippets and TVitn-miei Missu and ChOdren Mulls and ictorinea, ia A-- wttiiii.i.f i sletS Maia at.

IktBFLI.4 REAR MLTFFB SnleiutMl IsBbelia Rear hi wis, of a smsatf nf AJTO FIGS-r, MlA STHOTCHKieSI at SS, S3 Mass at. rent variety. An eooa watTsnten as n.nnn i. CHADE TRIMMlNOS-ConstanOy on CALLenpkr, t-nt Main st. color mny tm mnaa at dectara3 vr.

mcrrvBmVian. ifl AISINS boxes, half ami quarter toxes Jretb, XV Ratlins, in fine order, for sale by' 1 8. W. CALLENDtTR, Mala st. ssjsb s-urtu n.

tx- FRf PRITNES-Juw ree-tved at oU CALLED lit 8, Main St. diuerent styles, and any oesire! color, at in main -a srsxxixj" norn hvts imt arrived 'fcv vat, rar riore. fatt ajnaa at. MEBC-H AWT TA'nIIVi'i Vr mxm kassios smsss suirK; Wouii respectfully inform aisfrieadsandthe pubHeeea- receivine a spiendid stuck of FALL AND WINTER GOOllrVwhieh he WiH tmkeap ioor- der in the best style, st the lowest cash price. Buffalo.

October istS. us jef i Eii i i i ,1 aF CosJ. The nndersigTvd ham opened yard tor the Bitumino Ccsu. at and vatail, near the IOC of Erie street, and on the wesleily side of the sh*t) Orders may be left Hi More of C. C.

iisnct, Main su, and at the office of K. aerof Fraokiia and wan sts. Octaher 4th. 1648. Ml'ffTII HUFFBI! Ml iM press, a kit of tnore beauuml Preach Brilliant Cluster act Fin.

Asm. Gold Pencils aad Peas, Homing LJt- A 1 ACE, NLTMXf Laaieawill Aad a eemoiete asaunmenx of aU Maia at. few Drams Sultana and good; OrLTANA RAISINS A GLASS! fiLASSM bases eastern. a-soned sizes, of snpetior quality, for aale at redneed prices. AtX kmvs, at CJPICED COCOA STtCJiii A very" Martin.

Fitch, h'xtural and co*knvd which will be ottered tor sate ax tne CURRAftTS Fresa ttsttvnd by -dec. 8. JT. seas, bast kind, for poAlines, pies i Lnt. Gennet.

Boairref Wotf. Fbs. ami CVmev JI cla, am sals by GEO. GAGK. tbe ungie article, at sale price, I k7 tisins.

withouti and cake, for sale at OII.hL IlOSIERV-etenenorSk AisnMe- ay- i-l a. r. AW. 44 ati at. CAIXDIBVMaia i HOOD'S, Mais f.

i-r. tn. no. tt Main SC. BOVTO r'.

nrierv aa mJ tino.mii'nea, and usnwr sknj mrmw na rv i mma rure til dee THOMAS BASSETT. Main at. FRESH HAMBURGH BirrTER FoTSS by art R. flARGREAVB LsaslT OITRON Some scry fine may be found at STUART'S SYBtTP Caa be found ar aov7 WM SMITH'S. MRMaiaat.

WM. C. DMAAiT-g, Maia CHILDREN'S TELVFT CLOTH CAPS Of various styles aad aiiaiitms. tar sat at dee TttMUK LIKENC TissisnkTn sal 1TTOLF SLEIGH ROT! I A fine kins and Doylies, for sale low by T. CAKPBT WARP sketn and bails, for aie by BMiTB, MA Maui aw OTA it The Ims analitv at SALEBATU8 A for bbls.

for sale low by JLALbTON. RAaX ft, CO. JAi Jaaiast. a inhe Hat, Cnp and Fur Store of If Jfor sale tow at the Hntand in Stnreof and Cotton, for sale by eota MjUN RULLitnr siaweir and otawa. gEJN INK Lib ska HAYES'S DRUG BTORK.

z. TttOSxAJ famai WM. Maia nt- VI AOVflUIB UflPAl A. "Ji v. 5sU n.t uy am it -U't4 ASUt.J: Wit 1 lhja.

f1 iib 14 u-x -i d'i it it x. lauu-iMt I i 3,.

The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.