Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (2024)

SASKATOON STAR-rilOENTX. FRIDAV. JANUARY 48. I9t MflK SIX The noblest mind the best contentment has. Spenser.

Down 7 Nazis jj In 8 Minutes I Listening In Interpreting Todays War News IF YOUR GUMS EVER BLEED take care it may be GINGIVITIS Argentina Warns Axis on Reprisals By E. L. ALMEN Associated Pres Staff Writer Bl NOS Jsn. A Irr.idpn Pedro Raniirez on Wednesday night Issued a doiihle-barrlied wsuiing against reprisals to Germany and Japan and said there shoMd be no grumbling from any Argentines who might be opposed to the Governments rupture of diplomatic relations with the Axis. The President said he expected the Axis to Tefrain from any acts against Argentina, her citizens or their property and tliat ha expected disgruntled Argentine to keep their thoughts to themselves.

TO ADOPT MEASCRES Argentina had severed her ties Has Heavy Pay Cut Coming NEW YORK, Jan. 28 AP). Eugene G. Grace president of Bethlehem btoel Corporation, will have $20,159 left out of his $221,015 pay enelope this ft ear after he pas his Federal income taxes, he said Thursday. Grace made the estimate in announcing he would continue through 1941 the 68.8 per cent pay cut he took in 1943, from a 1942 salary and Incentive compensation total of $537,724.

Because of the 12 per cent holdover of 1942 taxes, his net after the Federal levy will be loss than half the $42,644 he had left In 1943. Harold Green In Soliloquy at 9 tfclock tonight offers a program of old and new American dance tunes well braced with imported rhumba rhythm. The South American Junket Includes Destino" (You Tempt Me), the bolero "Extrana Vida (Tonight Is Our Night), and the Spanish folk-song by Serradell "Fa Golondrina. "I Saw You Firet" from Higher and Higher; "Little Did 1 At a Perfume Counter from Casa Manana: "Melancholy Baby" and Romberg's "Viennese Nights" complete the program. The broadcast the Gills' Trio and Josephine Chamberlain at the electric organ.

Honoring Jerome Kern's birthday January 27, 1885, Music From the Pacific at 9 30 oclock tonight features numbers from ths pen of Kern as the orchestra plays "Smoke Gets in Your "I'vs Told Every Little Ann- Watt sings Cant Help Lovin Dat rnd "Can I Forget You. Other orchestral offerings are "Rain in jspaln by Xavier Cugat, and "Honey In the Honeycomb from Cabin In the Sky. Percy Harvey directs the orchestra. FRIDAY, JAN. 28 CBK, Wat rous Jury Blames Them Both with the Axis.

As chieftan of the revolution," Rawson said, 'I send my President and friend my warmest felicitations for the patriotic decision In breaking relations with the Axis powers, thug fulfilling the fundamental postulate of the revolution Ramirez reminded Rawson in a message Thursday signed by Col. Enrique P. Gonzalea, his secretary, that he was not the only "chieftain" of the uprising and declared that The movement of June 4 did not have its program, rupture of relations with the Axis. Its only aim, the message continued, was for national recuperation and tha affirmation of Argentine sovereignty. 4 00 New 7 Breakfnit Club I Laytime Claeeics.

7 46- M'isle WbH You JTK 5 no 8 New 6 1 Record Pd Varieties. Ho Jean Hinds 8 4H Morning Devotion. 9 DO Road of Life 9 15 News tn Frerxh 9 2W Musical Program 9 HO Soldier's Wile 9 45 Lury Unton 10 00 News. 10 iwRir Sister 10 10 Musical Program ID M) Time Signal tl.OO It C.M Bulletin. U.15 Tbs Happy Gang AN R.C.AF.

FIGHTER STATION. Somewhere In England, Jan. 28 (CP). Raiding more than 100 miles Inside F'rance, four of the R.C.AF.s swift Mosquito Intiuder planes, led by Wing Cmdr. Don MacDonald of Vancouver, on Thursday destroyed seven German aircraft In an action lasting only eight minutes.

Four R.A F. Typhoons on a similar offensive sweep over Belgium at the same time shot down three other enemy planes. The bag of 10 was obtained without a single loss. MacDonald himself set the pace for his fliers, shooting down a HemKel II and a Heinkel 177 after leading 28 missions without seeing one enemy aircraft. "Just think, after 26 trips without seeing a thing and then, bingo, we get two," said MaeDonuld's observer, P.O, Sten Wilson, an Englishman.

Fit Lt. Johnny Johnson of Ome-mee, with F.O. Jimmy Gibbons of Vancouver as observer, and F.O. Johnny Kane, with Fit. Sgt Earl Boal of Regina as observer, shared In the destruction of four Junkers.

F.O. A1 Brown of Winnipeg shot down the seventh enemy plane, a Focke-Wuif, to give Canadian fighters their best day since December 20 when Spttfnes destroyed eight German planes. Kane, a comparative ncwcomei to the squadron, raised hU total bag to three. "There Is no question about them being definitely destroyed." MacDonald said. They went down and poofed.

We saw three of them explode and go up In smoke. Brown thought the "most Interesting part of the whole show was the way those Jerries blew In pieces when they hit the deck "It la a sight I'll always remember, he said. Is a Major Now A S. BOMBER BASE. England Jan.

28 (CP). Its Maj. Jimmy Stewart now. The former film stai Is leader of a heavy bomber squadron. 8 40 u.

NtAre. inter tude 8 35 News is French 4 46 0. News Round Up 15 Victory Parsfle. 30 Musical Mailbox. I uo Waits i'inie.

7 30 To be announced. 8 00 National News. 15 Town Grows Up. 8 30 Eventide. 9 oo Soliloquy 9 30 Muaio From Peeiflc.

10 00 Kanin News Keel 10.15 Current Event. 10 30 Northern Messsngst II no a News, tl. 10 News Comment U.16 B.a News Round Up. At the same time Rami; ex told a press conference that, although the severance of relations was not directed against German and Japanese citizens, it would be necessary to adopt measures to safeguard the security of ths country. These measures, however, he said, will not differ from those applied Argentines except when Axis nationals demonstrate they lack an understanding of the Government's "generous proposals' and are not worthy of confidence.

In the international field, he said, "we will proceed as circ*mstances which affect the position or interests of the nation require This serene attitude is at the same time one of vigilance. Argentinas break with the Axis Wednesday had sharp domestic repercussions tn a curt declaration by Ramirez to Arturo Rawson, ambassador to Brazil, and his comrade-in-arms In the June revolution, that the uprising was not started for the purpose of severing relations with Germany and Japan. Rawson, who 48 hours after President Ramon S. Castillo had been driven from office by the coup, relinquished the presidency to Ramirez, sent a congratulatory message to his June comrade shortly after Ramirez had announced Sr' 4 OUT OF 5 may get It Ktttr neglect even the tligbttst sign of tender, bleeding gumj. Thu msy be the start of Gingivitis, often leading to dreaded Pyorrhea.

See your dentist every 3 months then tt borne massage your gunss and brush your teeth twice daily with Forhan's Toothpaste, formula of Dr. R. J. Forhan is unexcelled for firming gums and cleaning teeth. Start using Forhans today.

Note the difference! At all drug and dept stores, se ADtt in canaca Truthful, by Lie Detector 1 1. 45 they tstl Ms. 'Ciairs Wai.aca. lJ oo News t2 15 Musical Program. 12 3' A rm Broadcast.

1 oo a Woman of America 115 a Perkms 30 Pepper Yount 1.45 Right tn Happiness. 2 00 Isabella McKwaa. 2 15 C. News 2 is Talk for Women. 2 30 Joint Recital.

8 00 Front Uns Family. 3 15 Musical Program. 3 3o Eye pronL 4 00 Merry Islander. 4 15 Prairie comment. 4 30 rench Program.

4 45 News Com ment. 3 00 Myrtle Campbell Bings CFQC, Saskatoon IL46 They Tell Me; "Claire Wallace. It 05 Recordings. (2 15 P. News 12 30 Bird Ball Ranch Boys.

t2 45 Market Quotations. 1.00 A Woman of America LI 5 Ma perkms. 1.30 Pepper Young. 1.45 Right to Happiness. 2 00 Way of Free Men 2 30 Dick Manning 45 University Musts.

Hour. 8 30 Hospital News 8 46 Remember These Bongs. 4.00 Merry Handera 4.16 Wendell Hall. 4 30 Varieties. 4 46 Newscast.

6ou Jimmie Dais. .6 15 Men in Scarlet. 6 30 Todays Adventure. 6 36 Interlude. 5 45 Secret Service Scouts.

8.00 Victory Parade. tt 30 Musical Mailbox. 7 00 Walts time. 7 30 That Brewster Bov. 9 uo Championship Fight 9 DO The Shadow.

9 30 Music from Paclflo. in U.P News. ID 15 Recordings lu 30 Harbor Lights. OO C. News.

U. 15 C. B.a News Round 7 oo Evsready Tims. 7 30 Recordings 7 40 Friendly Music. 7 46 P.

News. uo Wake Up and Ltvi 2W What On Tonigbt. 8 30 Prima Boa la 8 fto Market Quotations 8 55 Interlude. 00 Road ot Lite. 9 t.Wun of Week.

9 30 Soldier's Wtfa. 9 45 Lucy Union 0 008 News. 10 15 Sister 10 30 Quit Tuns 10 35 Dorothy Hudson. 10 45 Dorothy Hudson. 11 00 Recordings.

IL15 Ihs Happy Gang. EDMONTON, Jan. 28 (CP). A coroners jury Thursday found that Raymond C. Jevne, 40, of Entwistle, died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a burning car last January 11.

Tbe jury reported also that Charles Stack, 40 and Irene Thomas, 35, Jevne' drinking companions the night ot his death, showed "great negligence in not removing Jevne from ths car. Stack and Miss Thomas are charged with homicide for falling to perform an act which, if done, might have saved Jevne's life. Robbery charges were also laid against tbe pair when police learned that a large sum ot money which Jevne had been carrying bad been removed from his body. Coroner Dr. E.

A. Braithwalte reported that Jevne was intoxicated at the time of bis death. "I'd like you to note that the amount of alcohol in the brain was tremendous, Doctor Braithwalte told the jury after ths v'dence had been heard. Miss Thomas, under protection of the Canada Evidence Act, testified she had met Jevne the day before tbs fatality and bad gone to a hotel party with him and Stack. Both men, she testified, became Intoxicated and she went wltb them in Jevne car "to get more liquor." Frightened by Jevnes driving, she and Stack left him in hla car and went to a restaurant, she said.

Later, after they had visited another drinking place, she and Stack noticed a car parked outside. Tbe car, she said, was full of smoke and when the smoke cleared she saw a man lying Inside. Slack left her beside the car when he went to call tbe police. "He looked dead to me. His eyes were closed.

He was (lumped over. I told Charlie (Stack) when he came back it was Jevne. Then we just stayed there until the police came." CKBI, Prince Albert DROUTHJS ENDED Rain Falls Over Many Parts Of U.S, Middle West; Snow in S. Dakota FOR FIRMER BUMS CLEANER TEETH 00 Top of the Morning. 1LOO Mid-Morning Head 8 15 New.

6 30 Hank the Cowboy. 6 45 Local New. 8.55 U.P. News 7 oo Morning Roundup. 7 3o U.P.

News. lines. 11 05 Mid-Morn Melodies 11.45 They fell Ms. Clairs Wallace 12 00 The Noon Show 12 01 Hospital Bulletins. By KIKKE L.

SIMPSON -Aos oclated Pres War Analyst NAZIS DESPERATE IN CHOICE OF DEFE.NCK STAND HINT of desperation Is evl- dent In the Nazi cholco of a alte for the first limited counter, attack effort against the Allied flanking operation south of Home which seriously threatens to turn ths whols German trans-peninsula front in Italy. The strike came southwest of Uttoria In the Pontine marshes. Picked Get man armored forces, hastily pulled back from the Cassino-Mlnturno main battle-front to the south, wer used but promptly were htown back, Anglo-American forces on tnat sector obviously are concerned chiefly with protecting the south flank of the Nettuno-Anzio beachhead. That brief fight probably cannot be classed as more than the first preliminary skirmish ot the decisive battle to come In the Rome area. The Nazi armored blow fell too late to catch the Allies unprepared to meet lt tank for tank and gun for gun.

It was stopped cold without need of calling heavy Allied naval guns within easy range. It seems doubtful that the Ger man command could have expected to break through at that point to endanger the Nettuno beachhead across which Allied reinforcements and supplies have been pouring since the complete tactical surprise achieved in the landings, A VARIABILITY of the Pon-tine marshes as a natural barrier to Nazi successful counter-attack from the south figured importantly in planning Allied operations. That Allied flank obviously has been well secured as a 'first step toward cutting through all enemy road and rail connections between tbs Rome transportation hub and the trans-peninsular battle line to the south. South of the Pontine marsh skirmish lines the main Rome-Naples highway runs glong the seashore at two points, at Tar-raclna, northwest of Gaeta Gulf, and at Formla at the head of that gulf. Both sectors are under Allied air and direct naval bombardment.

That seriously restricts Nazi use of the Applan Way as a springboard for a powerful attack from the south against the Nettuno beachhead. qnHE. main crose road between the Via Appla and the Via Casillno farther inshore runs between Ceprano and ltd, the latter Junction with the Applan Way lying northwest of Tarra-clno. It also has been under Allied bomb and naval gun fire. The indicated Alllled defence pattern for protection of Its Nettuno lifeline seems too formidable in the Pontine marshes to assums that the Germans will risk a main counter-attack there.

By every military yardstick it is to be expected in the Velletrt Valmontone sector farther north, unquestionably the route on which the Allies Intend to push on across both Rome-Naples highway in the rear of the Cassino-Minturno line, A Nazi secondary attack down the Rome-Anzlo road, mounted by reserves from tbs north, would be a logical move. The Allied command presumably is organizing beachhead fronts in that expectation. Free Anti-Fascists ALGIERS, Jan. 28 (CP). Several hundred antl-Faacist Italians, who had been Interned In North Africa for more than a year, are to be released, it was decided at a meeting of the French Committee of National Liberation, 8 30 Sugar Sowt 4.

uo Merry islanders 4 15 Musical Mall Bag. 4 15 Aunt Boots. 6 00 P. News. 6 15 Star Dance Parade, ft do Salute to the Hits ft 43 Let Danes.

8 00 Victory Parade. 6 30 Musical Mall Box. 7 uo Waits Time. 7 30 That Brewster Boy. 7 37 Farm Digest.

7.45 Circle Bell Vanities. 12 25 Hit Parade 05 Block Report CHICAGO, Jan. 28 (AP). The two daughters of Mrs. Frank Starr Williams, society woman who was slain January 19 in the Drake Hotel, were questioned under the so-called "lie detector Thursday, and officials reported that neither was able to provide any fresh information concerning the mysterious case.

Chief of Detectives John L. Sullivan emerged from the crime detection laboratory and stated: They are both through. A clean bill for both. Assistant State's Attorney Joseph Pope advised reporters the tests showed that neither woman knew anything she had not already told police. Sullivan said each of the women Mra.

Patricia Goodbody, 28, and Miss Elizabeth Born, 33 had been questioned for 45 or 50 minutes. Investigators, who have emphasized that nobody was under suspicion in the case, said the object of their questions was to recheck all details in the hope ot obtaining an accurate and comprehensive account of the shooting and its background. Mrs. Goodbody has told detectives that a strange woman tired ineffective shots at her and then shot her mother, wife of an attache of the State Department in Washington. One question asked was do you know the Identity of the slayer?" Police said thfc polygraph indicated both women answered truthfully in denying any such knowledge.

8 00 C.BO. News. 12.30 U.P. New. 8 165 Mins, at Franks.

12 40 Voice of Vigor. 8 20 F. Master Recording 12 55 Bportxcaxt. 8 .10 Riding the Range. LOO A Woman 8 45 Pojih ot the Border.

1 15 Ma Perkins. 9 do Road of Life. 1 30 Pepper Young 9 15 Morning Meditations. 1 45 Right to Happloess. 9 30 Sotd'sr WUs.

2 O' National ficbools 9 45 Lucy Linton. 2 30 Local News. ID 00 Newa 2 45 Salon Time. 10 15 Big Sister 3 oo The Blooms 10 30 Shopping Hostess. 3 16 Treasury btar Parade 11 15 News Roundup.

IL 30 Danes Party. LOO A Woman of America oo championship 9 OO Potand vs. Hitler 9 15 Delfenbaker 8 9 30 Danes Party. 9 45 U.P. News.

10 05 Liberal Speech, 10 30 CBR Singers. 11.00 C. News. Fight peeks, CHICAGO, Jan. 28 (AP).

Rainfall bathed the drouth-parched fields over most of the United States Middle West Thursday. The precipitation moved up from the Gulf of Mexico and the southwest to benefit, especially, the wheatfields in Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma. It spread into Missouri, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, South Dakota, Minnesota and was moving into Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio. However, agricultural and horticultural experts cited the danger inherent in the continuing unseasonable warmth. If crop seeds begin to germinate, and trees and shrubs begin to bud, because of tbe warmth and moisture, a subsequent sudden or hard freeze might cause serious damage.

Forecaster H. L. Jacobson said that already rain was changing to snow in Nebraska and Kansas and there was snow in South Dakota. V.S.A. Networks NATIONAL 8 SO Batin Swing.

7.00 Walts Tims. 7.30 Peopis Ars Funny. 8 00 Amos and Andy. 9 00 Fred Waring. 3o AUtims Hit Parads lu oo Furlough Fun.

10.30 Joan Davies Jack aiey. 11.15 Ron. Mansfield, Bongs IL 46 Voles' of a Nation, BLOB NCTUOKR 7 30 Spotlight Banda. 8 15 Merchant Marins. 8.30 hats Tour War Job? oo Watch World Go By.

9 15 Parker Family 9 30 Gangbusters. 10 oo Meet Your Navy, to 30 Treasury Hour. U. 00 This Moving World. COLUMBIA 8 001 Love Mvstery.

30 Friday on Broadway. 6 00 Kata Smith, 7. o) Playhouse. 7 30 That Brewster Boy. 8.00 Moore-Duranta Show.

9 SO Stags Door Canteen, 15 Joan Brooke, Songs. 9 30 Mra. Miniver. 10 05 Jan Garber Oreh. 10.30 Nit Clubs for Victory CBK, Watrous SATURDAY, JAN.

29 7 00 C. Newa 7.06 Musio From Manhattan. 7 30 Encores. 8 uu C. News.

8 15 Musical Program. 8 3F Saturday Showdown 4 45 Morning Devotions. 9 00 On Stags Everybody 9 15 News lo French. 9 25 Musical Program 9 30 Varieties FrancaLsea 10 00 B.B.O, News, ft So Bongs at Eventide. 6 45 Books of ths Times.

8 uo Jolly MUier rims. 9 30 Share the WeaiUk 7. 5 O. News 7.05 Hockey Broadcast 30 Organ Recital 9 00 Barn Dance. 9 30 United Services Show 10 DO Francois Roxet 10 30 Barbara and Boys 10 55 Musical Interlude, ILOO BO.

News. LL 16 Dance Orchestra 10 15 Musical Program. 10.30 Children's Scrapbook. 10 69' Tim Signal. ILOO C.M P.

Bulletins, 1 1.15 Musical Program. 1L45 C. News. 12 00 Metropolitan Opera. 3 oo i a and Crumpets.

8 45 Musical Program 4.15C B.a News 4 30 To be announced 4.45 News And Analysis. 6 po Hockey Interviews 8.15 French Songs CFQC, Saskatoon 10 45 Novatlm. ILOO Broadway Bandwagon 11.1ft Musical Program. 11.30 Market Quotations 11 45 Metodv Mustangs 19 00 Recordings. 12 1ft B.U.P News, 12 30 Recordings LOO Musical co*ck.

2 00 Matinee MelMIts. 2 30 CFQC Presents 3,00 Tea and Crumpets. 3 30 Musical Program 4 00 Unfiersltv Program. 4 15 C. News 4 30 Varieties.

4.45 Newscast HEAR ALUED GUNS Swarms of Allied Aircraft Soar Over Rome; Radios All Confiscated STOCKHOLM, Jan.1 28 (AP). Tbe roar of Allied artillery now is beard plainly in all parte of Rome and Allied aircraft swarm the skies about the city, the Roma correspondent of the Goeteborg Handels Sjoe-farts Tidningen said in a dispatch Thursday. The Swedish correspondent said naval officers in Rome estimated that at least 2,800 vessels of ail description participated in the Allied landings at Nettuno. He said tbe immense armada virtually covered the sea off the landing beaches All. radios in Rome have been confiscated, presumably in a German effort to keep the Inhabitants the dark concerning military operations, he said.

Telephones, however, still are functioning. German authorities were reported offering a reward of 200.000 lira ($2,000) for Information about persons participating In tterroristic activities. ft oo Hockey Interviews, ft. Pat Bufley, ft, S' Recordings. 6 45 Kinsmen Club.

9 oo Jolly Miller Tims, 8 30 Share ths Wealth 7.00 Newe. 7 05 Hockey Broadcast 8. JO Dance Orchestra. 9 00 Barn Dsnce. 9 30 United Service Show ID.

DO Liecester Square to Broadway 10 30 Barbara and Boys. U.UO G. News. IL 16 Danes Orchestra. 7 Oft Putin' ths Rang, 7 15 Alberta 811m.

7 30 Recordings. 7.45 Newscast. goo Waks Up and Li vs, 8 15 Musical Program. 8 3( Saturday finowaowa. 8 45 Interlude.

8 60 Market Quotations, it 55 Interlude. 00 On 8tg everybody, 9 30 Marching Along, 9 45 Master Bingen. 10 oo O. News. 10 15 Musical Program.

10.30 Sunday School. CKBI, Prince Albert -msmasm oo Top the Morning, tt 15 News. The Swap Hhop. 8 30 Cowboy Roundup. 8 40 Local New.

8 65 U.P. News, 7 O0 Morning Houndun, 7.JO P. News. 7.46 Morning Ms reft Past 8 OOO O. News.

8 15 F. Master Entertains 8 jo Saturday Showdown. 8 45 Art Dickson. 9 oo On Stag Fvsrvbody, 9 30 Weekend Review, ID 05 a News. 10.16 Melody Moments.

4 30 Votes of Andy Russell 4 45 star "Photon News, ft oo We McKuighL ftt.WB.UP. News, ft 30 Let's Dance, ft 45 A to in Novelty, 8 00 Jolly Miller Time 8 30 share trm Wealth 7.00 L. Hockey. 8 30 Norm Flams Orch 8 uo Bara Dance. 9 30 Liberal Address 9.4ft U.P.

News, to 00 Amateur Show 11.00 O. News. Lift Amateur Show Coot LL30 Dance Time. hi 30 Children's Scrapbook. 10 091 1 me 8 1 icnah 11 00 Mid-Morning Head lines.

Oft Mid-Momin Melodies 11.15 Children's Hour. It 45 Musical Program. 12,00 Hospital Bulletins, 12 2 Hit Parade. 12.30 U.P. Newe.

12.40 voice ot Vigor 12 05 Pporiscast. 00 Swing Hour. 2 00 Mumral Mailbag 8 00 Musical Program 4.00 Saturday Serenade 4.16 C.B.G News. U.S.A. Networks NATIONAL 7 OO Barn Nance.

7 5 Can You Top Thief 8 0D Million Dollar Band 8 30 Grand Ole Opry. 9 00 Truth or Cotus- Quegors. 1ft Salute Prrsldent Fob Hope, Sinatra. 20 80 Barbara and Boys. 11.1.5 Panndena Olvio UrrlL 12 00 BUtmore Hotel Oroh, 8 OUR DRUGGIST keeps up-to-date ou developments in the vitamin field.

We suggest that, with your doctor busier than hes ever been, you visit our store for Information on how best to supplement your wartime diet to maintain vigorous health. Fresh stocks Insure your satisfaction. Hurrah! Get Hand-Happy Get Chipso for Dishes! fit TIC NETWORK 5 00 What's Ne 7 30 Spotlight BaoOs 8.1ft Remember. 8 30 Red Rjder. 9 O0 Newa, New fork, to oo Cowboy Hit Parads, 10 30 Army Preeente.

It 00 Bridge to Dreamland 11 30 Freddy Martin' Oreh, 12 00 Thl Moving World. 12.15 Don hays' Oreh. COLtMRU 8 08 Man Behind Omv ft 30 Thank lo Ysuka 8 0 Greucho Marx. 8 3 Inner 7 00 Your Hit ParsdS, 7 46 Bat Nlsht Rertnadi 8 16 Correction Plraae. 9 00 Major G.

r. Eliot. 9 15 Guy Lombardo Orel 9 30 Flashgun Casey 10 Oft Chas. spivak. to a N'tt Clubs for Victory SUNDAY, JAN.

30 CBK, Watrous o. ao ft dm w.hlnton Comm.nt- 9 0i News from Pretrle ary. 9 16 Prairie Gardener. 12 15 a nr no Newe 9 3" Lee Yeu eur L'Kuron 12 JO Religion FrtiM. 9.451.4 Quart dheure he Oo New York fivmpbdny.

look prettier. You see, Chipsos got wonderful new mildness that gives your hands extra protection. It helps you avoid strong-soap roughness. So quick get Hand-Happy get Chipso for dishes. Youll help yourself to softer hands from today ont Help yourself to SOFTER HANDS FROM TODAY ONI Help your hands look softer, prettier, whiter put the New Chipso in your dish-pan! Chipsos the special flake soap for dishwashing made to help your hands Ill I 6 30 for Lanky 8 OO Bercen aoa McCarthy 8 30 Weekend Review.

8 45 Our Special Speaker. 00 Drama. 30 Album of Muslfe 8 oo National Newe 8 35 Songe of Empire. 8 45 Harpalcord at Home. 9 00 Juet a fioeg.

9 30 Sonata Recital, to oo L'lleure Dominical, 10 3o Veper Hour. II 00 C. News. U. 15 Canadian Yarns la Romm Chan eon.

to 00 C. News. 10 1ft CftnAdinn Yams. io 30 Ths war ot ths Apmt 10 59 Time FlgTuil. tl oo Hello Children 11.15 net Mary.

It bo chamber Musio 12.00 CB. C. News. IXOII ACCIDENTS often lead to serious infections through needless neglect. Guard yourself and your family from this by keeping first aid Items within reach.

Keep your First Aid Kit filled up at all times. 2 30 Church of ths Air 10 News. 8.06 Binging giars Ol To morrow. 8 30 Comrades tn Arms 4 oo Tea Tim Musical. 4 30 London Commentary.

9.45 C. News Com mentarv. 8 00 Jack Benny CFQC, Saskatoon i 8 30 Morning Devotions. 8 lft P. News.

oo Lutheran Bible Hour 3 30 Record Shop 8.00 Latin American fier enade. 8 30 Nocturne. 9 00 Allan Roth. 9 15 Treasure Cheat 30 I for Lanky. 9 30 Sonata Recital.

8 oo Bergen and MrCarthy 10 00 U.P. News. 860 World's Most Honored 10 15 Walts Time Muaio. to.308 A CA. Fireside 9.45 lime Out.

Hour. dO Greco Hornet II. OO BO New 8 45 Hit Band. 4 00 Hall of Fame, ft div Jack Benny. 5 9 30 Elira labernaele, 10 00 a Newe.

If) 15 Apoetotlo Church. 10 45 Voice of Tomorrow 11.00 Mayfair United Churrh, 12 30 P. Newe. 12 45 Paul Frederick 1 oo New York Svmphcmy, 2 lft Churrh of the Air, 8.00 Melody and 8ont 1L16 Canadian Tares. CKBI, Prince Albert COLD should be curbed Immediately so as not to cause prolonged illness.

It should be treated with proper medicaments. Flay safe get some today for these Winter months! We wUl be glad to assist you. VC 8 no Revetlte or the At r. 8 .0 Church Of Nacarej) (mi i aii heran Hour. 9 git Rellid ftleeeengtr.

10 oo O. Newe. iv Lutheran Bible Hour 10 4v Recording. 10 59 Time bignat, lion Inited rhureh, 12 15 State Hospital gram. 12 20 Sunday Interlude, 12 30 P.

News. 46 Songa. Pr 1 oo Near York Symphony, 7 05 Wevn Kin 8 Jo Newe. f.16 Houwog4 country 2 45 Novatime Church 8 (to c.B O. Newn.

7 30 btar Theatre. 8.06 Singing Stare of 8 00 Latin American 8f morrow. enede 8 go it-e Ran ger. 8 30 Nocturne. 4 00 Hull of Fme, 9 00 Pr A.

D. MoKentl ft oo Jack Bennv. 9 JO Forage Set Co-op. 8 30 for Lanky, 9 4ft Newa. 8 oo Bergen and MeCarthv 10 00 Briarorwit Program.

8 30 My Prayer Answered 10 SO' The 8hadow 8 46 Horace Heldt Qrchee- tl (k G. News. tro. 11.15 Canadian Yum. 11.30 Back Home Hour, vY ACTIVE! THRIFTY A UP one.

I. 1 Albert Peters, b.s.p. City Park Drug Store GET THE HAIHT GET IT AT YETES 7th Avenue and Princess St. phone 6342 U.SA. Networks NATIONAL 90 Julia inarle ThomM 1 30 The Army Hour.

8 00 C. Symphony ft 00 Jack Benny. A 30 Handwegon. tt 00 Rergnn and McCarthy, 9 30 One Man's Famhy, 7tk AJerry Go Round. 7 30 Album of Music.

8 00 Ilnur of Charm. 8 30 Bob Croaby Coy. 9 Otv Orcat (jndersieevsv 48 PacUie fitory. BLOB M.TWURA 8 3VMusical Steelmakers ft 15 Dorothy Thomueoib 7 00 Waiter Wincheii. 15 Basin BL Swing, 8 00 Revlon Revue, 9 15 1 hat's a Good One.

9 30 Quit Kids. 10 CH Keepaakee. 10.30 Pacifie Square Bau room. iLlft Melodies for Uncle Bata. COLUMBIA 1 00 New rk 8mnhnny, 9 00 The Family Hour 4 Silver Theatre.

8.15 Preventing Perry Como 30 We, the Peot-t. 8 no Recreation Hell, oo Reader Digest. 7 301 red Allen. no Take It or Leave tt. 30 Adventures.

Thin Man 8 15 Columbia Orchestra, I 60 Harry James Oreh, SO BE HAND-HAPPY AND THRIFTY TOO! GEt MADE IN CANADA.

Star-Phoenix from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.