Stabbing Chest Pain When Swallowing: 5 Causes, Gastroenterologist explains. - Oh My Gut (2024)

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Stabbing pain in the chest while swallowing is a sign of esophageal inflammation or ulcer. The most common cause is medication-induced esophagitis, esophageal infections, and GERD.

Less common causes include esophageal ulcers, esophageal cancer, esophageal hypersensitivity, radiation, and others.

1. Medication-induced esophagitis.


Swallowing a pill that is irritant for the esophagus. It is common when you:

  • swallow a pill without water.
  • Swallow a pill at bedtime.
  • Are older than 50 years old.
  • Having an existing esophageal disease.

The pill gets stuck in the esophagus. It will cause esophageal inflammation if the drug is irritant. Consequently, the stuck pill will cause stabbing pain in the chest when you swallow.

Common medications include (reference):

  • Pain-relieving medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Some antibiotics such as tetracycline and doxycycline.
  • Potassium chloride (for potassium deficiency).
  • Others such as Bisphoshphnates (for osteoporosis), quinidine (for heart diseases).

How common:

Drug-induced esophagitis is a common and overlooked condition. It is a more frequent cause of painful swallowing than famous diseases as GERD (reference).

Symptoms (how to suspect Pill esophagitis):

  • History of swallowing an irritant pill without water (or without enough amount of water.
  • Swallowing a pill at bedtime before the onset of the painful swelling in the chest.
  • The symptoms usually start suddenly. Often few hours after the pill intake.
  • Retrosternal stabbing chest pain.
  • The pain is maximum during swallowing (odynophagia).
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
  • Symptoms are often intermittent and self-limiting within a few days.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Rarely, it may lead to complications such as ulcer, bleeding from the esophagus, or esophageal perforation.

Learn More.

Consult your doctor if you have extreme pain, bloody vomit, blackish stool, or persistent vomiting that is not going away.

2. Infections of the esophagus.

The esophagus can be infected, especially in patients with low immunity. Infections induce symptoms similar to pill esophagitis with a severe stabbing pain in the chest. But the symptoms are often more prolonged. It also can be associated with fever.

Causes of infectious esophagitis:

  • Candidal esophagitis (fungal infection): the most common cause (reference).
  • Herpes simplex virus esophagitis.
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
  • Varicella-zoster virus (VZV).
  • Bacteria infections (the least common).

Esophagal infection often affects people with:

  • Debilitating diseases
  • Poor oral intake
  • Low immunity (as HIV-infected patients).


  • Painful swallowing.
  • Stabbing chest pain (greatest when swallowing).
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).
  • Presence of risk factors such as debilitating disease, decreased oral intake, HIV infection).
  • Systemic symptoms such as fever and muscle aches.
  • Nausea or vomiting.

3. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).

GERD is a widespread disease. It occurs due to the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus.

When the reflux is significant, it causes inflammation of the esophagus. The condition is called Reflux esophagitis (reference).


  • Heartburn.
  • Chest pain (stabbing during swallowing, vague in-between).
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).
  • Regurgitation of an acidic material into the esophagus and/or throat.
  • Globus sensation.
  • Water brush (increased salivation).
  • Less common: chronic cough, asthma, hoarseness of voice, sore throat.

Severe GERD can lead to a condition called barret’s esophagus. The mucosa of the esophagus becomes lined with atypical cells.

Barret’s esophagus is a complication of reflux esophagitis. It may also manifest with stabbing pain in the chest when swallowing.

MORE: Causes of Heartburn That is Not Going Away.MORE: How Long Does GERD Take to Heal.

4. Esophageal ulcers.

Esophageal ulcers are a breakdown in the lining of the mucosa. It usually presents with severe pain in the chest during swallowing.

We consider esophageal ulcers a complication of different diseases rather than a separate condition.

Common causes of esophageal ulcers:

  • GERD (reflux esophagitis): The most common cause of esophageal ulcers (reference).
  • Repeated induced vomiting (as with bulimia nervosa).
  • Pill-induced esophagitis.
  • Esophageal infections
  • Esophageal cancers.
  • Acid-rich foods, alcoholo, and caffeinated drinks.

5. Esophageal cancer.

Esophageal cancer is the 8th-most common cancer and the 6th-most common cause of death worldwide.

Painful swallowing or stabbing chest pain can be a sign of esophageal cancer.

Who is at higher risk of esophageal cancer? (reference).

  • Being older in age (more than 85% of cases are above the age of 55).
  • Family history of esophageal cancer.
  • Alcoholo, smoking.
  • Infection with Human Papillomavirus.
  • Barret’s esophagus (a complication of GERD).
  • Obesity.
  • Others,Learn More.

Symptoms of esophageal cancer:

  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Weight loss without trying.
  • Stabbing pain in the chest while swallowing (odynophagia)
  • constant feeling of pressure or burning.
  • Worsening indigestion or heartburn
  • Coughing or hoarseness

6. Other (rare causes).

  • Eosinophilic esophagitis: chronic, immune-mediated inflammation of the esophagus. It is characterized by infiltration of the esophageal mucosa with eosinophils.Learn More.
  • Esophageal motility disorders:Corkscrew esophagus, achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm.Learn More.
  • Radiation-induced esophagitis.
  • Psychological disturbances.Learn More.
  • Esophageal Perforation.
  • Ingestion of corrosive substances.
  • Evidence-based
  • Written by a doctor.

MD, Associate Lecturer of Gastroenterology and hepatology. An IBS sufferer, gut health enthusiast and writer.

Stabbing Chest Pain When Swallowing: 5 Causes, Gastroenterologist explains. - Oh My Gut (2)

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Stabbing Chest Pain When Swallowing: 5 Causes, Gastroenterologist explains. - Oh My Gut (2024)


Stabbing Chest Pain When Swallowing: 5 Causes, Gastroenterologist explains. - Oh My Gut? ›

Chest pain and discomfort are often caused by digestive problems rather than heart problems. Another term for chest pain that isn't due to a heart problem is non-cardiac chest pain. Acid reflux, for example, creates a sharp, painful sensation in the chest.

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Chest pain and discomfort are often caused by digestive problems rather than heart problems. Another term for chest pain that isn't due to a heart problem is non-cardiac chest pain. Acid reflux, for example, creates a sharp, painful sensation in the chest.

What causes pain in the chest when swallowing? ›

The esophagus is the muscular tube that delivers food from your mouth to your stomach. Esophagitis can cause painful, difficult swallowing and chest pain. Many different things can cause esophagitis. Some common causes include stomach acids backing up into the esophagus, infection, oral medicines and allergies.

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which stomach acid repeatedly flows back up into the tube connecting the mouth and stomach, called the esophagus. It's often called GERD for short.

Can inflamed intestines cause chest pain? ›

Research has shown that people with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's are more likely to have a heart attack than people without IBD. During a Crohn's flare-up, this risk seems to further increase. Inflammation of the digestive system likely plays a role in the development of heart-related problems.

Why am I getting stabbing pains in my chest and stomach? ›

Although commonly associated with heart attacks, stomach and chest pain can also be related to issues with various areas of your body including your intestines, lungs, muscles, ribs, and/or nerves. Regardless of the cause, chest and abdominal pain is not something that should be ignored.

How do you know if your esophagus is inflamed? ›

You may experience these symptoms with esophagitis:
  • Sore throat.
  • Feeling that something is stuck in your throat.
  • Sores in your mouth.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Difficulty or painful swallowing.
  • Heartburn.

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These may include:
  • An abnormal ring of tissue that forms where the esophagus and stomach meet (called Schatzki ring).
  • Abnormal spasms of the esophagus muscles.
  • Cancer of the esophagus.
  • Failure of the muscle bundle at the bottom of the esophagus to relax (achalasia).

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Esophageal spasms can feel like sudden, severe chest pain that lasts from a few minutes to hours. Some people may mistake it for heart pain, also called angina.

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Gastrocardiac syndrome refers to the symptoms relating to both the heart and stomach. Also known as Roemheld syndrome, the condition involves issues in the stomach which can trigger palpitations. Dr Ludwig Roemheld was one of the first researchers to explore the link between the heart and stomach.

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Signs that you might be experiencing an allergic reaction to ingredients in a digestive enzyme supplement include: Difficulty breathing or talking or wheezing. Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue or throat. Chest tightness.

How do you know if you have a gastric problem in your chest? ›

With that warning in mind, common signs of gas accumulation in your chest might include:
  • A feeling of pressure or tightness on either the left or the right side of your chest.
  • Sharp, jabbing pain in your chest or upper abdomen.
  • Swelling or bloating in your abdomen.
  • Voluntary or involuntary farting and/or belching.
Jul 3, 2023

Can a backed up colon cause chest pain? ›

Most commonly, chest pain from constipation is due to gas. When you're constipated, there's typically a lot of gas in your intestines. This can create pressure in your abdomen, which may radiate upward and cause pain and discomfort in your chest area.

Why do I have a sharp pain in my chest that comes and goes? ›

Chest pain that comes and goes may be related to the heart, the muscles, the digestive system, or psychological factors. Possible causes include gastrointestinal problems, panic attacks, angina, heart attack, and more. Underlying causes of chest pain may be mild, as in the case of acid reflux.

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Indigestion is pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty digesting food and feeling too full. Indigestion can cause acid reflux, which can cause pain in the esophagus just behind the breastbone. Due to the location of the pain, it is often mistaken for a heart attack.

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That makes it hard to say with certainty how gas pain might feel to you. With that warning in mind, common signs of gas accumulation in your chest might include: A feeling of pressure or tightness on either the left or the right side of your chest. Sharp, jabbing pain in your chest or upper abdomen.

Can IBS cause sharp chest pain? ›

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, noninflammatory condition that causes gastrointestinal symptoms. These symptoms tend to be triggered by stress and can worsen after meals. IBS can cause gas pain that may occur in the chest, as well as: abdominal pain.

How do you know the difference between gastric chest pain and heart pain? ›

Cardiac chest pain is usually felt in the central or left side of the chest, while gas-related pain may be more diffused and concentrated in the upper abdomen or lower chest. Cardiac pain often radiates to the arms, neck, jaw, or back, while gas-related pain tends to be more localized in nature.


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.