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Participa laEvenimentul Suprem de Jiu-Jitsu al Anului
Pregateste-te sa-ti arati abilitatile la Campionatul Regional de Jiu-Jitsu AJP Tour Transylvania 2024 - GI & NO-GI! Acest eveniment prestigios este deschis tuturor nationalitatilor, tuturor centurilor si varstelor, de la copii la maestri, amatori la profesionisti. Indiferent daca doresti sa te faci cunoscut sau pur si simplu iubesti acest sport, aceasta este ocazia perfecta de a-ti testa abilitatile pe o scena mare.
Sala Polivalenta, Targu Mures, Romania
Date Importante
- Inscriere Normala: 17 iulie - 07 septembrie, ora 23:59
- Inscriere Tarzie: 07 septembrie - 07 octombrie, ora 23:59
- Inceperea Evenimentului: 12 octombrie
Premii si ClasamenteSpectaculoase
Concureaza pentru glorie si puncte valoroasein clasamentul AJP Tour International! Obtinerea locului intai in divizia ta iti va aduce un impresionant punctaj de 800 de puncte, care iti va imbunatati semnificativ pozitia generala la nivel mondial. Consulta informatiile detaliate despre clasament aici.
Taxe de Inscriere
Inscrie-te din timp pentru a economisi niste bani la taxa de inscriere!
Inscriere Normala:
- Copii: 35 USD
- Tineret, Amatori, Profesionisti, Maestri: 45 USD
Inscriere Tarzie:
- Copii: 45 USD
- Tineret, Amatori, Profesionisti, Maestri: 55 USD
In plus, profita de pachetul de preturi redus cand te inscrii in diviziile GI si NO-GI.
Daca trebuie sa anulezi una dintre divizii, contacteaza-ne la inainte de termenul limita al evenimentului pentru a solicita o rambursare partiala.
Obtine-tiBiletele de Participare Online
Gata sa te inscrii? Click aici pentru a-ti obtine credentialele online si a-ti asigura locul in competitie.
Divizii pe Centuri si Varsta
Concureaza impotrivaaltor practicanti de BJJ din grupa ta specifica de centura si varsta. Prezentarea diviziilor pentru barbati si femei:
Divizii Masculine
- Copii 1 (2019-2020): Alb, Gri
- Copii 2 (2017-2018): Alb, Gri, Galben
- Copii 3 (2015-2016): Alb, Gri, Galben
- Infant (2013-2014): Alb, Gri, Galben, Portocaliu
- Junior (2011-2012): Alb, Gri, Galben, Portocaliu, Verde
- Adolescent (2009-2010): Alb, Gri, Galben, Portocaliu, Verde
- Tineret (2007-2008): Alb, Albastru, Mov
- Amator (2006 si anterior): Alb, Albastru
- Profesional (2008 si anterior): Mov
- Profesional (2006 si anterior): Maro, Negru
- Maestru 1 (1994 si anterior): Alb, Albastru, Mov, Maro, Negru
- Maestru 2 (1988 si anterior): Alb, Albastru, Mov, Maro, Negru
- Maestru 3 (1983 si anterior): Alb, Albastru, Mov, Maro, Negru
- Maestru 4 (1978 si anterior): Alb, Albastru, Mov, Maro, Negru
Divizii Feminine
- Copii 1 (2019-2020): Alb, Gri
- Copii 2 (2017-2018): Alb, Gri, Galben
- Copii 3 (2015-2016): Alb, Gri, Galben
- Infant (2013-2014): Alb, Gri, Galben, Portocaliu
- Junior (2011-2012): Alb, Gri, Galben, Portocaliu, Verde
- Adolescent (2009-2010): Alb, Gri, Galben, Portocaliu, Verde
- Tineret (2007-2008): Alb, Albastru, Mov
- Amator (2006 si anterior): Alb, Albastru
- Profesional (2008 si anterior): Mov
- Profesional (2006 si anterior): Maro, Negru
- Maestru 1 (1994 si anterior): Alb, Albastru, Mov, Maro, Negru
Pentru detalii complete despre diviziile AJP, click aici.
Regulamentele Competitiei
Asigura-te ca esti familiarizat cu regulile si reglementarile competitiei facand click aici.
Programul de Cantarire
Ramai la curent! Programul de cantarire va fi confirmat in curand.
Nu rata aceasta competitie de foc!
Inscrie-te acum si participa la Campionatul Regional de Jiu-Jitsu AJP Tour Transylvania 2024. Arata-ti talentul, castiga puncte si alatura-te unei comunitati pasionate de practicanti de Jiu-Jitsu. Asteptam cu nerabdare sa te vedem pe saltea!
Pentru orice intrebari, nu ezita sa ne contactezi la Ne vedem in Transilvania, Romania!
Join the AJP Tour Transylvania Regional Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2024!
Compete in the Ultimate Jiu-Jitsu Event of the Year
Prepare to showcase your skills at the AJP Tour Transylvania Regional Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2024 - GI & NO-GI! This prestigious event welcomes competitors of all nationalities, belts, and ages, from kids to masters, amateurs to professionals. Whether you're looking to make a name for yourself or simply love the sport, this is the perfect opportunity to test your abilities on a grand stage.
Sala Polivalenta, Targu Mures, Romania
Important Dates
- Normal Registration: July 17 - September 7, 23:59
- Late Registration: September 7 - October 7, 23:59
- Event Starts: October 12
Exciting Rewards and Rankings
Compete for glory and valuable ranking points! Achieving first place in your division will earn you a whopping 800 points, significantly boosting your standing. Check out the detailed ranking information here.
Registration Fees
Register early to save on fees!
Normal Registration:
- Kids: $35
- Youth, Amateur, Professionals, Masters: $45
Late Registration:
- Kids: $45
- Youth, Amateur, Professionals, Masters: $55
Additionally, take advantage of our discounted price package when registering for both the GI and NO-GI divisions. If you need to cancel one of the divisions, simply contact us at before the event deadline to request a partial refund.
Get Your Online Credentials
Ready to join? Click here to get your online credentials and secure your spot in the competition.
Belt and Age Divisions
Compete against peers in your specific belt and age group. Here’s a breakdown of the divisions for both men and women:
Men’s Divisions
- Kids 1 (2019-2020): White, Grey
- Kids 2 (2017-2018): White, Grey, Yellow
- Kids 3 (2015-2016): White, Grey, Yellow
- Infant (2013-2014): White, Grey, Yellow, Orange
- Junior (2011-2012): White, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Green
- Teen (2009-2010): White, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Green
- Youth (2007-2008): White, Blue, Purple
- Amateur (2006 and before): White, Blue
- Professional (2008 and before): Purple
- Professional (2006 and before): Brown, Black
- Master 1 (1994 and before): White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
- Master 2 (1988 and before): White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
- Master 3 (1983 and before): White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
- Master 4 (1978 and before): White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
Women’s Divisions
- Kids 1 (2019-2020): White, Grey
- Kids 2 (2017-2018): White, Grey, Yellow
- Kids 3 (2015-2016): White, Grey, Yellow
- Infant (2013-2014): White, Grey, Yellow, Orange
- Junior (2011-2012): White, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Green
- Teen (2009-2010): White, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Green
- Youth (2007-2008): White, Blue, Purple
- Amateur (2006 and before): White, Blue
- Professional (2008 and before): Purple
- Professional (2006 and before): Brown, Black
- Master 1 (1994 and before): White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black
For complete details on AJP divisions, click here.
Competition Regulations
Ensure you're familiar with the rules and regulations of the competition by clicking here.
Weigh-In Schedule
Stay tuned! The weigh-in schedule will be confirmed soon.
Don’t Miss Out!
Register now and be part of the AJP Tour Transylvania Regional Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2024. Show your talent, earn points, and join a community of passionate Jiu-Jitsu practitioners. We look forward to seeing you on the mat!
For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at See you in Transylvania, Romania!
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